Year Group Overview

Download Year 3 – Spring Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Year 3 – Autumn Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Year 3 – Summer Overview 2022-2023 [PDF]
Download: Year 3 – Spring Overview 2022-2023 [PDF]

Download: Year 3 – Long Term Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Year 3 – Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: Year 3 – Reading Spine [PDF]

Brief Overview

In Year 3 we continue to develop our skills, knowledge and understanding across a wide range of new and exciting topics in the Summer term.

Our new topic in history involves studying ‘Ancient Greece’ and learning about ‘Alexander the Great’. In Geography we will be finding out all about Volcanoes for Summer 1 and exploring Climates and Biomes in Summer 2. In science we will be studying Forces and Magnets in Summer 1 and looking at the relationship between bees and their environment in our Bee Project. This term in PE we will be learning Tennis skills and gymnastics and then focusing on Yoga and Basketball.

Maths this term we are going to be continuing with Fractions then moving onto time. This will be followed by shape and then looking at measurement and Perimeter. We will also be continuing with our time tables. Extra practice at home with these will be fantastic.

Within English, our 4 topics include Myths, Dialogue & Plays, Adventure Stories and Poetry focusing on Language Play. Finally, during RE lessons we will be focusing on Energy, choices and special places with a week also dedicated to Hinduism.

Homework in Year 3

New homework is given each Monday. The homework relates to maths and English work that we have done in school. We ask that this is given in to the class teacher every Friday so that it can be marked. We suggest that weekly homework should take no longer than 30 minutes. If you are struggling with homework, stop after this time and let your teacher know.

All children should read with someone at home for 15 minutes each night and Reading Records must be signed and dated. These should be sent into school every day so children can be heard read and the books changed. Some children will take home a Read Write Inc book and a reading for pleasure book.

Reading Books

If your child/ren still participates in Read Write Inc phonics sessions they will bring a book home each Friday for you to read with them during the week. This book will correspond with the work they have been doing in school and should be confident with this. If your child is not in RWI sessions they will choose a book from the library as a reading for pleasure book and encourage them to read this throughout the week.

We ask all parents sign the children’s reading records each time they have read at home including those times they have just read for pleasure.

Please can children bring their reading books and reading records into school each day.


For this term the children will be participating in PE lessons on a Monday afternoon and a Friday morning. Please ensure that the children have a full kit within school on these days.

Water Bottles

It is important that every child has a water bottle in school. This is to maintain hydration levels and to stop unnecessary disruption in lesson due to having to go and get a drink.