Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all the families who came to our Nativity celebrations and entered into the true spirit of Christmas with us. The children were a credit to school and we were proud of all of them.
Tuesday 20th is class party day! The children can come to school wearing their party clothes in the morning, the parties will be in the afternoon. School will provide drinks, cake and treats, children do not have to bring anything additional to school for that day.
Just a few reminders about important dates; Wednesday 21st is the last day of term and school finishes at 1.00p.m. promptly, please make sure you have made arrangements to pick your child up at this earlier time. School re-opens for the children on Wednesday, January 4th 2017.
It is with mixed emotions that I can tell you that Miss Townson our year 1 teacher and SENCO will be leaving us; mixed because she will be greatly missed but delighted that she has gained a position as Assistant Headteacher in Sudley Juniors. Miss Townson has been in St Oswald’s school for many years and has worked tirelessly for the children and families, I would like to thank her for her hard work and wish her success and happiness for her future.
We have appointed a new teacher for 1TN she is called Miss Hughes and has already met the children and is looking forward to joining year one. Mrs J Smith has been appointed as our new SENCO, she comes from a Knowsley school and is a very experienced; she has spent days in school working closely with Miss Townson so the transition will be smooth We look forward to her starting and have every confidence that she will be a wonderful addition to our teaching staff.
Many thanks, as always, for your continued support and co-operation and for your thoughtfulness and generosity. On behalf of all of us who work with the children I would like to wish you a happy and holy Christmas
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs M Walsh