Since September the changes to the milk provision have been bedding in. Can we remind you that the scheme has now changed and you need to register if you want your child to receive milk.
Free milk is provided to pupils who are below the age of 5 years and children who are entitled to free school meals. The school has also decided to subsidise the milk of any 5 year olds in Reception. But pupils in Years 1 to 6 not on the free school meals register must pay for their milk and to do so must sign up to the DairyLink UK service on their website www.milk4life.com.
If you are registering a pupil or pupils who are entitled to free school meals, then you need to inform school that you would like to register for free milk using the slip on the download below. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals (and therefore free milk), but have not yet applied, please contact the One Stop Shop.
Attached below is the letter from DairyLink UK sent before the holidays, with more details on how to register if you need to pay for your milk. PLEASE NOTE THE TERMLY DEADLINES FOR ON LINE ORDERING. We have also been told that in addition to the termly deadlines for the next term, they will also accept orders for after the October half term until 18th October. Please complete the slip below if you would like to register a child on free school meals for free milk and return to school before the end of term.
Mr Strom
Business Manager
Download: School Milk October 2019 [PDF]
Download: Original DairyLink UK Letter [PDF]