All the children have been encouraged to try out lots of different maths apps at home and recommend any good apps to their friends, so they can use them too.
We have been making lists of the maths apps the children recommend. Why don’t you try some of them and let us know what you think.
Bubble Maths – Free
A target number appears at the top and the child has to tap two numbers that add up to that target
Maths Splat – £0.99
A great twist on basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Math Bingo – £2.99
This follows a simple format for practising the basic operations on a range of levels
King of Maths – Free download / £2.99 to unlock full game
This is a quirky slant on developing your maths skills! Start as a farmer and work up to becoming king as you master your maths!
Grand Prix Multiplication – £0.49
This is a multiplication racing game. The quicker you answer the sums, the faster your car goes.
Chicken Coop Fractions – Free download / £5.99 to unlock full game
This is best for consolidating fractions work, including improper fractions and equivalents. This is aimed at KS2.
Tick Tock – Tell The Time – £0.99
It is progressive, moving from hours through to half hours and quarter past and quarter to, then onto 5 minute intervals. There also digital/analogue equivalents.
Math Workout – £0.99
Answer sums as quickly as you can. Compete against others, set your own records
Fractions Smart Pirates – £1.49
Gives the children the chance to work on a range of fraction activities – identifying, comparing, equivalents and adding
Bugs and Buttons – £1.99
Covering a wide range of basic skills: numbers and counting, fine motor skills, colours, sequencing, sorting, basic problem solving, matching and memory games
Maths Brain – £0.69
It gives the children opportunity to practise and test themselves on all four operations at a variety of levels.
Bee Bot – Free
The children can enter sequences of instructions and can predict routes and plan them
Up – £0.79
A simple and effective maths app designed to support the practise of basic addition and subtraction facts to 10, 20 and 100
Numberjacks – £1.99
Addition facts up to 10
Let us know if you use any great maths apps and we will put them on our school recommendation board.