A Huge Thank You…
For all your support to make our Cake, Coffee and Bright Day a huge success. We raised over £1,000 for these amazing charities.
The winners of the raffle are:
John Ryan
Paige Lamb
Joshua Joseph
Leigh Davies
Dear parents and carers,
As I am sure you are already aware we try to do as much as we possibly can to raise money for charity. This year we are planning to combine three big charity events – The Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for Macmillan nurses, ‘Wear it Pink or Bright Day’ to raise money for cancer charities and Cafod’s Wear It Bright Day.
As a school we feel that these events would be a great for us to take part in. We would join the hundreds and thousands of people to raise money for these worthy causes. We would be helping to fund research projects and helping save and improve lives; ultimately helping people and families when they need it most.
We have declared Friday 7th October ‘Cake, Coffee and Bright Day’ on this day the children need to pay £1.00 to wear their own clothes; children should try to wear pink or bright colours, whether they are dressed head to toe in pink or bright colours or they wear coloured pyjamas it is entirely up to you!!. Classes will also be holding cake sales and other fun activities during this day.
On this day we will be holding a fun drop in coffee morning for the parents to attend from 8.45am – 10.30am in the Junior School hall – last year this was a really successful event! Unfortunately because of the numbers involved the children will not be able to join parents for this event. Only a small group of children from each year group will be selling cakes
All monies collected will be split between the three charities and we will keep you informed about the amount raised. Please note any cakes parents bake for this day will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss C Sime
Deputy Head Teacher