20th June 2016

Dear Parents / Carers,

On Tuesday 12th July Year 5 children have an end of term school trip arranged to Chester Zoo. The children will be picked up from school at approximately 9.15am and taken directly to Chester Zoo and will return to school at 4pm – traffic permitting.

Children should wear their summer school uniform.

If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal and you would like a packed lunch provided for them, please complete the attached slip and return it to the school office by Wednesday 6th July.

There is a charge of £10.00 per child to cover the entrance fee and transport. Children are also allowed to bring £2.00 for an ice lolly (we will not be going in the gift shop). We think this will be both an informative and exciting trip and if you wish your child to be included please return the attached slip below.

Thank you for your support and co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Sime
Deputy Head teacher

Download: 20/06/2016 – Year 5 Chester Zoo (12th July) [PDF Download]
