Mrs S McBrien, our Acting Deputy Headteacher, is the dedicated senior leader with overall responsibility for championing and improving attendance.

Download: Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Alternative Provision Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Children who Cannot Attend School due to Health Needs Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: School Exclusion Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]

Our school target is 97% attendance.

We have colour coded the below attendance data as:

Red: Less than 90.0%
Orange: 90.0% – 93.9%
Yellow: 94.0% – 96.9%
Green: 97.0% – 99.9%
Gold: 100.0%

You can see more attendance data at the bottom of this page.

The government has launched a new national campaign to remind parents and carers of the importance of school attendance.

We regularly remind you of the importance of good punctuality and attendance and the negative impact poor attendance has on your child’s educational attainment and social and emotional development.

The link between attendance and attainment is clear:

• In 2018/19, just 40% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS2 achieved expected KS2 standards, compared with 84% of pupils who were regular attenders.

But attendance is important for more than just attainment:

• Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing.

The NHS and the Chief Medical Officer say it is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses, including general cold symptoms like a minor cough or a runny nose.

If you are unsure if your child is too ill for school, please follow the link below and use the NHS guidelines:

External Link:

From the first day of term to the last, the small moments in a school day make a real difference to your child. #AttendanceCounts so please ensure your child attends school regularly.

Thank you for your support in helping our pupils to reach their potential this term.

Year 1 class 1JC won the attendance award for having the best attendance during the Autumn term. As part of winning the attendance award, 1JC were very lucky to receive some attendance money that they could use to reward themselves with a special treat. 1JC decided that they would like to use the reward to bring an ice cream van to school. The children loved seeing the ice cream van and the ice cream was very tasty! 1JC are working extra hard this term to come to school everyday so that they can try and win the attendance award again.


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“I loved seeing the ice cream van” – Chloe
“The ice cream was so good and very tasty” – Finnley
“We sat in class eating ice cream!”- David
“We want to win again so the ice cream van can come back” – Amelia

You can view further attendance data by clicking here.

Percentage Means Pounds Prize Winners

3EM, our attendance winners from Spring, went bowling with their prize money!

Please welcome Mango, Banana, James Pond and Fin to St Oswald’s.

3EM used their ‘Percentage Means Pounds’ attendance prize money to buy a class pet.

A huge welcome to Mojo, 1SB’s pet gecko, who they bought with their ‘Percentage means Pounds’ winnings.