7th February 2017














Maths Newsletter

January 2017




https://stoswaldsschool.com/                                                                         Twitter : @StOswaldsPriLiv

Welcome to our first edition of St. Oswald’s maths newsletter, which is designed to keep you up to date with everything that is going on in maths in our school. Remember to keep checking our school website and follow us on twitter to see photographs of all the children loving maths.  If you have any questions about maths, do not hesitate to get in contact.

Mrs. McBrien (Maths Champion)

Numeracy for Life

We are encouraging the children to think about how they use maths outside of school and in everyday life. All children in KS2 have a ‘maths passport’, where they can record ways they have used maths in the real world.

This could be with a shape, counting money in a shop, measuring and weighing when cooking, measuring the length of something, or anything else you can think of to do with maths.

We would love it if the children can take a maths selfie of them doing something maths related outside of school and bring it in where we will display the photographs. Alternatively, you could always post the photograph on our twitter @StOswaldsPriLiv


Important dates


Thursday 9th February    ‘Addition and Subtraction KS2 Calculation’ workshop (letter to follow)

Monday 13th February – KS1 Maths Café (letter to follow)

Monday 13TH February   ‘Number Day’  -‘Dress up for Maths’ £1 donation in aid of NSPCC (letter to follow)





Maths Monkeys


Each class in Nursery, Reception and KS1 has its own Maths Monkey and the children are invited to take it in turns to take him or her home with them and do some maths. Each Maths Monkey has its own diary to record what it has been up to. When it is your child’s turn to bring Maths Monkey home, please could you think of some maths they could do together and encourage your child to record it in the diary. If you could take a photo of Maths Monkey doing maths with your child, that would be great. There are lots of places to do maths – the shops, supermarket, the park, the museum – anywhere at all, as maths is everywhere.


St. Oswald’s Times Tables Challenge


In order to raise the profile of learning times tables through the school, we have adopted a ‘Whole School Times Table Challenge’ award system, to ensure continuity across the school and to encourage the children to learn their times tables facts and to be able to recall them quickly and accurately. The challenge focuses on rewarding children when they are proficient in a number of times tables. Encourage your child to practise at home too.

Have a look on the website for details of the awards.

Mr. Crowther has written and the vocal group recorded a St. Oswald’s Times Tables CD.

Ask your child to sing their favourite times tables song to you.


National Numeracy

National Numeracy is an independent charity established in 2012 to help raise levels of numeracy among both adults and children and to promote the importance of everyday maths skills.

This is taken from their website:

Talking about maths

As a parent or carer, you give your child their first experiences with maths.

Even if you do not feel confident with maths, you can still make a huge difference to how your child’s numeracy confidence and ability develops.

Top tips

● Be positive about maths. Don’t say things like “I can’t do maths” or “I hated maths at school”; your child might start to think like that themselves.

● Point out the maths in everyday life. Include your child in activities involving maths such as using money, cooking and travelling.

● Praise your child for effort rather than talent this shows them that by working hard they can always improve.


Have a look at their site nationalnumeracy.org.uk where you will find the ‘Family Maths Toolkit’, which is full of ideas and activities.

Y2 Maths Games Library

Mr. Crowther has been running a Y2 ‘parent/carer and child’ maths board game lending library. It is open every Friday morning, 8:30-8:45 and you have the opportunity to choose a maths board game with your child, take it home and return it the following Friday when you can choose another. The children enjoy playing the games at home and are keen to choose another the following week.

Please do come along, if you have some spare time on a Friday morning.

Parents Maths Challenge





How many triangles can you see?


Parents Maths Challenge

The children in every class get weekly or daily maths challenges. We thought it would be good for parents to join in the fun too.    Every month there will be a new maths challenge for you to test your skills on.

The challenge will also be on the school website and a winner will be drawn from all parental entries. If you complete the puzzle, jot down your details and send your solution into school with your child.

The winner’s name will be published on the school website and you will receive a certificate.


Parent Helpers

Any parents who are interested in helping out with maths in the school, whether it be helping children learn their times tables, or helping with maths events that we run in school, please do let Mrs. McBrien know. You just have to have an interest in maths and pass that enjoyment on to the children.

Last term we had parents who came in to talk to groups of children about how they use maths in their workplace. The children loved this, as they could see how the subject is relevant for their future jobs and careers. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please contact Mrs. McBrien, who is the school Maths Champion, through the school office.


Maths Newsletter
