3rd October 2017

We are delighted to announce that we have received the Gold Award for the Liverpool Counts Quality Mark. This is a great achievement.

To achieve our gold status, all the pupils, staff, parents, governors and wider school community worked together to raise the status of maths and promote positive attitudes towards it. We worked hard to ensure that children see maths as a life skill that they need every day and is vital for their jobs and careers in the future.

The aims of the project were:

  • To raise the profile of Numeracy
  • To create a positive ethos and be encouraged to take risks
  • To change the culture of thinking around Maths – develop an ‘I can do’ attitude
  • To make real life connections
  • To understand the role Maths plays in our future life choices
  • To show how Maths links with other subject areas
  • To share and celebrate the enjoyment of Maths


Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. McBrien, who is the school Maths Champion, were very proud to receive their Gold Award at the Museum of Liverpool, alongside some of the school’s Maths Ambassadors and Maths Magicians.

Well done to all our amazing pupils, staff, parents and governors for achieving this award for our school.
