18th December 2019

Dear parents and carers,

Our extra-curricular timetable of after school activities starts on Monday 13th January 2020. On the reverse of this letter is a full list of activities on offer and the year group who can access each activity.

If your child is interested in attending any of these clubs, you can now book a place on your first choice through our new Weduc app. You can do this through the payments element of the app (there is no charge for clubs unless otherwise stated) and then the bookings area. Alternatively, please fill in the attached slip and return to school by Wednesday 8th January 2020. Places are limited and will be offered on a first come basis. This means that places booked through Weduc are likely to be prioritised. In the interest of fairness the children are asked to pick a first and a second choice. If your child is allocated a place in an after school club they will be notified by the teacher running the club.

May I respectfully remind parents that all clubs finish at 4pm and children must be picked up by a responsible adult or have written permission to walk home alone.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss C Sime
Deputy Head Teacher

Download: Extra Curricular Activities Timetable – Juniors Spring Term Letter 2019 [PDF]

Download: Extra Curricular Activities – Timetable Juniors Spring Term [PDF]
