19th December 2019

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been a very busy, successful term for our staff and pupils. In the midst of our teaching and learning, preparation for all our festivities, matches, concerts, musical celebrations and community activities, we are mindful of the need to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. People all over the world will be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and sharing in the joy that this brings.

At St Oswald’s we have fostered the true spirit and meaning of Christmas, by sharing our own gratitude for a good and secure life with those who are not so fortunate. As ever our pupils and families have given generously to support our CAFOD collection with lots of gifts bought.

Our carol singing raised much-appreciated smiles from the elderly in the care homes and at local events. Our Christmas Jumper day collection raised much needed funds for Save the Children. Mince Pies and Baubles was as always a huge success so a great thank you must go out to our PTFA for all their hard work supporting school.

The finest events that our children took part in to celebrate Christmas was definitely our nativities, all the children took part in spreading the good news of Jesus’ birth and did so with beautiful readings, acting and songs. I thank all the adults in school who prepared the children so well.

It is also an opportunity to say goodbye and good luck to Miss Sime who is leaving to take up her own headship in St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School. I know she will continue the faith journey she started here and will always remain in the family of St Oswald’s.

We are lucky enough to have ‘borrowed’ a member of staff from Blessed Sacrament Primary School, Mrs Hay who will be our temporary Deputy Head teacher until a substantive DH can be appointed. I know you will all warmly welcome her to St Oswald’s. She will be starting in January and is very much looking forward to working with us.

I would like to thank you all, parents, pupils and friends of St Oswald’s, for your continued support and to wish you and your loved ones a restful Christmas and a New Year of health and happiness.

Just a reminder School closes Friday 20th December 1pm, please ensure your child is picked up promptly, we reopen on January 6th at the normal time.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh
Head Teacher

Download: Final Christmas Letter [PDF]
