7th January 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term leading up to the End of Key Stage tests in May, the year six children will be receiving additional small group sessions in literacy and numeracy. These lessons will take place during the afternoon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The children have been split into smaller groups for a more personalised approach so that the work can be planned according to the ability level required. The teacher or Learning support taking the sessions may not be your child’s own class teacher.

The groupings for these small additional sessions have been worked out carefully based on assessment data and teachers’ own assessments, but children may at times be moved from one group to another depending on progress made.

We hope that these additional sessions will help to raise self esteem and give the children confidence in exam technique and help them to prepare for their tests.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Y6 Small Groups [PDF]
