30th January 2020


On Wednesday 25th March, as part of our ‘In my Liverpool Home’ topic, Year 1 children will be visiting the Museum of Liverpool.

There is a parental contribution of £5.00 please, to be sent to the class teacher in an envelope with child’s name and class marked on the outside.

Please fill in the form (attached below) and return to the school before Friday 20th March 2020.

Your child will need:

  • A packed lunch in a carrier bag with child’s name on it
  • Can you please provide a drink in a disposable container.
  • To wear school uniform
  • Sensible shoes
  • Please inform school if your child suffers with travel sickness

Children in school by 9.00am and we will be leaving at 9.30am (Please be on time, we cannot wait!). We will return to school to dismiss at normal time.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Year 1 – Educational Visit Letter
