Dear Parents/Carers,
I am writing to clarify our school administration of Calpol to children who are unwell. This is an emergency arrangement and is not meant to be used as an alternative to home medication. School is finding that we are providing Calpol regularly instead of unusually. No child should require pain medication first thing in the morning after being dropped off from home.
We will only administer Calpol to a child who has a new and unexpected complaint, any child who is having to have regular pain killing medication should bring the medication in from home. All medication should be in the original bottle with the child’s name clearly written on the label.
We thank all those families who are trying really hard to make sure their children have good attendance and bring their children to school with minor complaints. We find that children soon forget slight aches and pains when busy with work and playing with their friends.
Thanking you as always for your cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs M Walsh
Download: Calpol Letter [PDF]