Good afternoon RF,
I hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying spending so much time with your families. The teachers in reception have been chatting every day to try and think of exciting and fun challenges for you, we hope you have been enjoying them! It has been lovely to see some of your responses on Twitter and WeDuc. I am so proud of how well you are all coping.
Please remember to check the WeDuc app and our twitter feed: @StOswaldsPriLiv for daily updates and lots of suggested activities to keep you busy.
In addition to this, Oxford Reading Tree has a vast library of free e-books for your children to read at home on phone, laptop or tablet. All you have to do is create an account to access these.
Keep in touch through Twitter, WeDuc and we have the email: if you have any questions or just want to update your teacher with what you have been up to!
I miss you all very very much and cannot wait for us all to be together again. Take care and stay safe. Miss Ford