Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all well. Please see details of Kitty’s laundry service below:
Please find below details of the different free laundry schemes we are rolling out this week.
Free service Laundry with collection and delivery for elderly and vulnerable residents who are shielding at home.
We particularly hope to reach those who normally use launderettes, normally have family members/ carers do their laundry for them, are struggling to manage jobs at home or who’s washing machine/ drier has broken down.
If people who could benefit from the service either call us on 0151 2608951 to arrange contactless collection and delivery times, home address and any washing specifications.
We are also happy to have other organisations pass us the details of people who are interested for us to call them directly, if permission is given to do so.
We are practicing heightened hygiene processes at Kitty’s with staff and the delivery team wearing adequate PPE and ensuring limited contact with laundry.
Free DIY washing and drying for anyone in financial hardship (Drop off service)
We have distributed some vouchers to the Foodbank also welcome referrals from any other local organisation/ Dan’s office etc
Free Service washes for any Key workers, (Drop off service, uniforms and normal laundry)