Good morning Year 6,
Do you remember all the work we did in school on BIDMAS? Can you remember what BIDMAS stands for?
It helps us remember the order we do calculations in, so we get the correct answer.
Use the bitesize link or the power point to refresh your memory on what we did in school on BIDMAS!
Over the next two days have a go at the challenges. You can either select one a day, or try as many as you like.
Good luck Year 6!!
External Link:
Download: Order of Operations Teaching Presentation [PDF]
Download: BiDMAS Codebreaker 1 [PDF]
Download: BiDMAS Codebreaker 2 [PDF]
Download: BiDMAS Codebreaker 3 [PDF]
Download: BiDMAS Codebreaker 4 [PDF]