19th June 2020

To keep ourselves, friends, adults and family happy and safe, we:

  • Listen and follow the advice of our grown-ups, particularly when we are moving around the school
  • Wash our hands with soap and water when we arrive at school, at the end of the day, when we’ve used the toilet
  • and when we are told to.

  • Stay at the desk we have been given and only leave it with permission from our grown-ups
  • Use our own class equipment – we don’t share
  • Do not bring toys, books, pencil cases or bags into school
  • Only play with the children in our class bubble
  • Try and keep 2m social distancing- no touching, hugging etc
  • Only play games that follow the social distancing rules – we cannot play contact games
  • Try not to touch our face, this includes our mouth, nose, ears and eyes.
  • Always cover our mouth and nose if we cough or sneeze. We use a tissue if we can and wash our hands.
  • Let a grown-up know if we have a problem
  • Speak to a grown-up if we are worried about anything
  • Tell a grown-up straight away if we feel unwell.

Download: Child Code Letter [PDF]
