19th June 2020

RE: Y6 returning to school

Dear Y6 and families,

At last I can let you know that you can come back to school on Monday 22nd June, it is what we have all been waiting for and we are excited to see all of you again.

Before you return though I need to just explain a few things about what school will be like when you do come back because unfortunately due to Covid 19 the government has asked us to make a few changes to help keep you and your families safe. I’m sure you already know lots about social distancing and this is a big part of the changes we have had to make.

We must make sure that all pupils can be kept 2 metres apart at all times and this includes in the classrooms. This means that we had to move our classrooms around so that you can all sit at your own desk 2m away from other children. You will have your own equipment and resources and not be allowed to share with anyone else.

This also means that we cannot fit the whole class in one room. In our classrooms we can fit between 10-12 children in each room. This means that your classes will be split into bubbles of children, one in Mr Dunn’s room, one in Miss Kirwan’s room, one in the computer suite and if we get big numbers we will be using the year 5 rooms as well. Not all your Y6 classmates are coming back so unfortunately you will not be able to catch up with everyone. Each bubble will be taught by different teachers so you may not have your own teacher.

Each bubble will have separate playtimes and lunchtimes and will not be allowed to mix with any other bubble. The bubble that you are allocated will be the bubble that you stay in until we finish school in July. These rules are very important to help stop the spread of the virus. We have asked that you let us know who is coming back to school so that we can sort out the bubbles with as many friendships as possible but this might not always be something we can do.

Life in school will not be as we are used to, the playground will be zoned off so only children from one bubble can play in particular areas, there will be new markings in the corridors so that you know where you can and cannot go and to help you maintain a 2m distance from others. Hand washing and hand sanitising will be regular.

Unfortunately, there will be no assemblies, no after school clubs and no end of term parties, however we will try and make school as much fun as possible and I know there will be lessons and activities around transition to secondary school, but sadly not what we all would have wanted.

Each bubble of children will enter and exit school via separate places, once we know who is coming back to school and what bubble you are in I will let you know. School uniform is optional but we ask that clean clothes are worn each day. We ask that when you come to school you only bring a coat and a water bottle no other equipment. If you have a packed lunch it should be in a disposable, plastic bag. There are new codes of conduct and a Home School Agreement that must be signed by your families as you come back and will explain other rules as well.

All of this may seem very odd and it is not meant to put anyone off coming back to school, I just need you to know what to expect when you come back. What I will promise is staff who will greet you with a smile and will do everything they can to make school fun again, we have missed all of our wonderful children and want to get back to seeing Y6 before you leave us.

I will be contacting you again by Friday 19th at the latest telling you what bubble you will be in and where your room will be.


Mrs M Walsh

Download: Y6 Return To School [PDF]
