24th June 2020

Dear parents/Carers and Children,


I hope everyone is still safe and well and managing to complete some of our online learning that has been on all of our platforms since we closed school, some paper packs are also available for those who struggle with access. The school offices have also been open throughout as we have been open as a Hub for Key workers’ children from across the city, so any problems anyone was having should have been flagged up and sorted already.


I wanted to share with you some news about how we are managing internal transition this year. Normally we have some sessions, when the children swap and go to their new classrooms to meet their new teachers, and we also provide additional transition for our SEND children.  Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to do any of these things this year. With the Covid19 arrangements in place we are not able to show children around their new spaces or do any visits. Nevertheless, we have tried to come up with the best plan to prepare our children and their families for their new classes in September.


We will be providing each class with a transition booklet that will give details of the new teacher and new classrooms. During the week of July 6th the teachers will be phoning their new classes to say hello and have a chat, to find out how the children are and to answer any questions they may have. Additional resources will be sent out to SEND children. This information will be available on Weduc, and our website, paper copies will be available if requested.

I am sure that all families will be understanding of the present situation and welcome the phone conversations with the teachers. All my staff have been working really hard over the lock down, some staff have been shielding , others off ill, so those who were fit for work have been working in the Hub, providing online learning, on top of planning and preparing a recovery curriculum for children returning to school. We have all worked through our Easter holiday and have also had own families to look after at home; like yourself, those staff members with school age children have found working from home very difficult!


The phone calls the teachers are making are to keep in touch with the children, they have loved talking to them and the vast majority of families have been appreciative. May I respectfully ask if a teacher phones, please be kind to them, we have all been under immense pressure and have been following government guidance to the letter. Any issues or problems you have should be voiced through the correct channels of senior leaders through our usual email. I think like everyone, we have all been doing our best during these difficult times.

I will update you further when there are any more details


Kind regards

Mrs Walsh


Whole school transition

