Dear Parents/Carers,
In September, we are considering reopening our Breakfast Club, initially for key workers children.
In order to adhere to the strict social distancing of our bubbles of children, we would not be able to have a mixed Breakfast Club bubble. The children who access the club would have to stay within their own year group bubble even if they are siblings. We are going to operate a weekly pre booking in system to see how many children we would be able to accommodate safely, ensuring distancing in year groups. There will be a cap on numbers allowed.
The children from each year group would be allocated a set table to eat breakfast and play table top games.
Like all Covid 19 controls, good hygiene is the best method of prevention and this will be followed rigorously.
As a general indicator for us, can I ask that if you would like to access a Breakfast Club facility in September that you indicate on the questionnaire. This will give us important information to assist in our planning.
Please fill in the Breakfast Club questionnaire here
Kind regards,
Mrs Walsh