RE: Change of pick up and drop off arrangements KS2
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to all families who have worked with us and tried to follow the guidelines we set for social distanced arrival and pick up. I realise that the situation is difficult, but school is following the guidelines set by government and the LA; we are trying our best and hope you can be patient and cooperative.
Unfortunately, there are still issues with large gatherings, no distancing, lack of respect for the local residents’ homes and the dangerous driving of cars, particularly down Montague Road.
I make a plea for parents to NOT drive down Montague and turn around in the road; there will be an accident if this continues and God forbid, a child will be seriously hurt. The safest method of drop off and pick up is walking, park and walk if necessary, but do not take a chance with the safety of our children. I am working with the local councillors to try and make the road an access only for residents and hope that can happen before we have a tragedy.
Also, I would like to remind you that St Oswald’s premises requires masks or face coverings. We will not be allowing anyone into our buildings without masks. For the safety and comfort of other people, everybody must adhere to these rules.
After evaluation of the problems at pick up and drop off, I have made some adjustments and hope that these will work to reduce the congestion in the streets around school.
Our Nursery, Reception and Key stage 1 arrangements will not change. Key stage 2 will be adapted to the following arrangements:
The arrival times and pick-ups will remain the same and we urge you to stick as closely to those times as possible, but the staff on the gates will allow the children in as soon as they arrive and they will go straight into classes. Hopefully, this will mean that there will be no gathering in the streets around school.
Home time arrangements
Year 3 parents will be allowed into the area inside the gate. Children will stay in the rooms and be let out from there. I ask that you leave as soon as possible.
At home time, the main junior yard will be opened for Y4 and Y6 parents. It will be partitioned off, so that staff can be distanced. As soon as the children are collected, please exit the yard Year 5 parents are asked to stand in the school grounds and not on the road, and the children will be dismissed from the hall.
Packed lunches
From 7th September, children are allowed to bring their lunches in their own boxes. These must go home each evening for cleaning. May I remind you that chocolate and any type of crisps are not allowed in school. I hope that these new arrangements will alleviate some of the problems, if not I will have to make more changes to the times of the school day for year groups. I really hope we can get back to a new normal as soon as possible, fingers crossed.
Thank you for your cooperation
Mrs Walsh