22nd September 2020

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the past few weeks, we have been asking you all to wear face coverings when dropping off and picking up your child/ren to keep our school community safe. Thank you to all those parents/carers who have. Unfortunately, there are still a number of adults who are not.

As of tomorrow, if you are not wearing a face covering, you will not be allowed on site.

 If you are exempt, you must email in a copy of your medical letter/certificate or show this at the office. We will then update our records. If we have not seen this evidence from a medical practitioner, then we will not allow you on site without a face covering.

With an increase in confirmed cases in the region and local lockdown restrictions in place, it is vital that we keep our pupils, families, staff and community safe; this is our number one priority.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Miss D. Hay

Deputy Headteacher

Face Covering Letter
