4th December 2020

Dear Parents & Carers,

I am writing with a genuine plea for your support and cooperation.

I have received complaints, with genuine concerns, about the behaviour of some children and adults when picking up and dropping off children on Montague Road. The residents feel that their properties are being totally disrespected with people leaning on their walls, swinging on their gates and crowds gathering around their homes with no face coverings. Sadly, I have seen some of this poor behaviour myself and have to agree that there have been issues.

I am able to address children’s behaviour directly with them in school, every class has been reminded that when they are wearing our uniform they are representing our school and can be made accountable for behaviour, even when they are outside school. All classes have a separate arrival and pick up time so there should not be children arriving around Montague or Mill lane earlier than their allocated time. This is an important part of our covid safe guidelines, along with keeping separate from anyone who isn’t in their bubble.

Adults picking up or dropping off should be wearing face coverings around school and I ask when possible if adults can stand on the school side of the road away from the private properties. Families should not be driving down Montague Road, this is highly dangerous with the current situation and I ask that you park further away from school or walk. There has also been issues with parents parking in Aldi car park for convenience of dropping in the infants, but please only use allocated parking bays. The zig zag zones mean that no car can park, I ask that this is adhered to for the safety of our children.

Respect is an important quality that we encourage daily with the children, I ask can the adults most important to the children model this positive respectful behaviour and encourage consideration for the residents and their homes.

Community is very important to our school and I would like our neighbours to feel that we value them. Consideration of their feelings would be a positive start to compensating them for their inconvenience.

Thanking you in anticipation

Mrs Walsh

Head teacher

Safety respect

