6th January 2021


Dear Parents & Carers,

Firstly, can I say thank you for all your patience, cooperation over the last few difficult days, it has been greatly appreciated.

Now that school has reopened to the children of critical workers and those designated by the government as vulnerable, we are organised for teaching those children in school and all other children remotely. All children will be getting the same work, this will be a continuation of their year group planning and will be differentiated to meet ability.

All children have been getting homework and some lessons on their virtual platforms in school since we opened in September in order to familiarise them with the systems. The passwords and codes for various on-line learning have been given out repeatedly, but if your child still hasn’t got this information please let school know.

Every day at 8.55am their will be a teacher who will log onto either Google Classroom or Dojo (EYFS)  and say good morning and will expect a response from each child. If children are not accessing their work and we have not been informed of any difficulty, for example they might be working on paper packs, then there will be a follow up phone call to find out what the issues preventing children completing their school work. This lockdown there is an expectation that all children should continue their education at home, school will support as much as we can but the onus is on families to make sure the routine of work continues at home.

In school we are not unsympathetic to the stresses of home teaching, all of us have experienced this at some point and realise the challenges. We do ask that you keep the contact with school open and let us know of problems and we will try our best to help.

I would like nothing more than to allow all children back into school but obviously the law doesn’t allow this and we need to keep the children and staff safe by limiting the number of contacts that we all have. Together we will get through this dreadful experience, Stay safe.


Mrs Walsh

