Dear Parents/Carers,
After finally receiving the government guidance on school opening during the national lockdown it would appear that they consider it safe for all nursery age children to attend school. During the last lockdown there was differentiation between child care nurseries, essential for working parents and educational nurseries, as a choice for parents who wanted to start the early education journey as young as possible.
In light of the surprising announcement starting from Monday 11th January our nursery provision will be open for morning and afternoon sessions. I do urge you all to think carefully about taking up this offer, the national lockdown and closure of full school is to limit the number of social contacts in our communities. The more children that mix together the more risk this will pose to our staff and to your families. Though children can catch coronavirus, they appear to have mild symptoms or no symptoms, as cases in the community rise there is an increase in the number of children we see with coronavirus. However, we do know they do act as virus carriers and the risk to adults around them increases.
The rest of school is open to key workers essential to the coronavirus and EU transition response, and vulnerable children, all families have been asked to consider carefully whether the place in school is essential. As my duty as Head teacher is to the health and safety of the whole community, I ask that you consider this question yourselves prior to accessing our school nursery; does your child need to be in nursery?
The children who are not attending school are all completing the same work remotely as those in school, the educational offer is identical. Mrs Greer and her team have been using DOJO platform to keep in touch and offer lovely activities for families to do at home. We have loved seeing your photos and reading your comments. I hope and pray that this national lockdown and the rapid transition of the virus is stopped soon and we can all resume what we love doing best, teaching all our children as a full community.
Thanking you as always for your continued cooperation.
Mrs Walsh
Head teacher.