Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are delighted to announce that our school is participating in a new Relationship Education program for Catholic primary schools, titled Life to the Full. You may hear your child coming home talking about this and we want to give you a brief overview of this new programme and what will be taught in the lessons.
As you may be aware, Relationship Education should have become statutory for all primary schools from September 2020, but due to COVID 19, this has now been extended to the summer term of 2021. The Life to the Full programme is based on ‘A Model Catholic RSE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service which was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education. Therefore, we have confidence that the programme will be fit for purpose in supporting the growth and development of your child.
Life to the Full is an entire platform of creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and, you as parents. This includes interactive video content, story-based activities, employing a wide range of teaching tools, original worship music and an accompanying programme of classroom prayers. In addition, there will be an online parent platform so that you, as parent and carers, can engage with the teaching and deepen the experience for your child.
To access the online parent platform please visit:
School Username: st-oswalds-l13
School Password: vanilla-flavour
Programme Structure
In Life to the Full, we will be following a three-stage structure which is repeated across the different learning stages:
EYFS is aimed at Nursery and Reception;
Key Stage One is aimed at Years 1 and 2;
Lower Key Stage Two is aimed at Years 3 and 4;
Upper Key Stage Two is aimed at Years 5 and 6.
Within each learning stage, there are three modules which are based on the Model Catholic RSE Curriculum. The programme adopts a spiral curriculum approach so the learning will develop and grow, with each stage of education building on the last.
Module One: Created and Loved by God
Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.
Module Two: Created to Love Others
Module Two: Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this unit explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing heathy relationships and keeping safe. This religious understanding is then applied to real-world situations relevant to the age and stage of the children.
Module Three: Created to Live in Community
Module Three: Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good. In the first Unit, Religious Understanding, the story sessions help children to develop a concept of the Trinity. In subsequent sessions, we apply this religious understanding to real-world situations, such as the community we live in, and through exploring the work of charities which work for the Common Good.
Each Module is then broken down into Units of Work.
Module 1 | Created and Loved by God |
Units | Religious Understanding
Me, My Body, My Health Emotional Well-Being Life Cycles |
Module 2 | Created to Love Others |
Units | Religious Understanding
Personal Relationship Keeping Safe |
Module 3 | Created to Live in Community |
Units | Religious Understanding
Living in the Wider World |
The following link will provide you with additional detailed information regarding the content and structure of the Life to The Full programme including the non-statutory sexual elements.
If you would prefer your child not to participate in the non-statutory sexual elements of the programme, please let school know through the school email marking it Life to the Full.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs. Walsh