Last week in Year 6 we watched a short clip of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe by C.S. Lewis in RE and wrote similarities between Jesus’ sacrifice for us and Aslan’s sacrifice for the children. Later in the week some children wrote a psalm about how god and how he cared and loves us unconditionally while others wrote a paragraph about how god is like a Shepherd caring for his sheep. In maths we have been learning about rounding numbers up to 10,000,000. While this was difficult at first, we worked hard and challenged ourselves. In literacy, we worked on formal and informal letter writing: we wrote a persuasive letter To Mrs. Walsh about school uniforms and put up reasons for and against. Our comprehension was all about Anne Frank and how she lived in secret with her family, we found it so interesting how well hidden it was by the bookshelf and that map! In our fun spelling lesson, we did a word search finding different words with hyphens.
For P.E we are doing gymnastics with Miss Wright, learning about different poses and balances. We also did football with Mr Loughran, focusing on dribbling and passing before playing mini-matches to reinforce what we had learned. In history we learnt about the early parts of WWII and how Germany had wanted to annexe other countries for extra living space; for our task we had to create a timeline full of events that happened in the early parts of World War II. Although war was declared in 1939 the fighting didn’t actually begin until 1940.
In R.E some children wrote a psalm about how god and how he cared and loves us unconditionally while others wrote a paragraph about how god is like a Shepherd caring for his sheep. On Friday in assembly certificates were given out and a select group of children were chosen to be a prefect! It was an excellent week in year 6 and we enjoyed it very much
By Ava, Taigan, Zack, Freya and Kai