Year 4 – September Opening Arrangements

RE: Year 4 September Opening Arrangements

Dear Parent or Carer,

As we come to the close of another school year, there is still so much to do to get ready for the next one. I thank you for your patience and hope that the new school year will be more settled.

Those of you who were able to return your children to school will know that there were lots of changes to our systems and organisation, looking forward to September and whole school reopening, there will still be a need for adaptations in order to operate safely as a school.

We will be operating following government guidance and putting in place several controls to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19. You can see a full copy of our Covid-19 risk assessment on our website. We will regularly update this as guidance changes.

Whilst the government have indicated that the prevalence of coronavirus has decreased, the NHS Test and Track system is up and running and it is important that our whole school community work together to protect each other. I would love nothing more than to operate a normal school day, but unfortunately, I cannot and I ask for your patience and understanding once more.

Drop off & Pick up

Our plans for September aim to keep children in clear and consistent class/year bubbles. This will help school to limit the number of contacts children have with different people whilst still allowing them to have a school curriculum.  In order to do this, we have arranged some staggered starts and ends of the school day with 5-minute windows for classes to access safely. I know that the staggered start times at the start and end of the school day will be problematic for those of you who work or who have a number of children in different classes across the school but we have to follow the guidance and reduce the mixing of children as much as possible.

It is important that families stick to their allocated times and practise social distancing whilst picking up or dropping children off.  Your child’s entrance and exit door may be different so please ensure you have the correct information.  The timings of the school day are altered but there is no reduction in teaching time.

Year 4

4PM to enter and exit via the BACK DOOR off the playground, start and finish times are 8:50am-3.05pm

4RD: to enter and exit via the BACK DOOR off the playground, start and finish times are 8.55am-3.10pm

4LD to enter and exit via the BACK DOOR off the playground, start and finish times are 9.00am-3.15pm


There will be staff on the gate to the playground who will support your children. Unfortunately, parents will still not be allowed on our school site, we ask that if children are accompanied to school one family member only to reduce crowding.

As you can see the timings are tight, each class is allowed 5min intervals in the hope that this prevents too many children accessing doors at the same time. If this doesn’t work we may have to change to 10min intervals.

Children who arrive late will have to wait until all classes have accessed the building and then will be allowed to enter after them. Where families have siblings in other classes with different start times, we ask that you bring the earliest first and work forwards.


The school meal service will be back to operating in both school kitchens, the menus will be posted on the school website. Only children having a school meal will be allowed into a year group sitting in the hall. Packed lunch children will be asked to bring a disposable bag and to eat their lunches supervised in their year group areas. Lunch service will be staggered to prevent year group bubbles mixing. The children in each year group will be allocated a slightly different lunch to allow all children to be able to access our halls. The year 4 lunch will be 11.45am -12.30pm.

Breakfast club & After school clubs

For the first week of the new term there will be no clubs. This is due to the fact that children from different bubbles are not allowed to mix, which causes some difficulties with staffing as we usually have children from Rec to Y6 in the clubs. We will be reviewing these arrangements during the first week back and will let you know what has been decided.

Keeping us safe

I hope that the arrangements have not made anyone anxious about coming back to school, the risk assessments and controls are to make sure we are all safe. The most important thing will can do is wash hands regularly and try and keep our distance. In September there will no doubt be additional guidance-I can’t wait!!

For the start of the new school year we are back to full school uniform please with hair tied back.  I know this is a long letter with lots of details but I needed you to have as much information as possible before we finish. School ends 12 noon on Friday 17th July and reopens for children on Wednesday 2nd September.

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you back in September

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation

Yours sincerely

Mrs Walsh


Year 5 – September Opening Arrangements

RE: Year 5 September Opening Arrangements

Dear Parent or Carer,

As we come to the close of another school year, there is still so much to do to get ready for the next one. I thank you for your patience and hope that the new school year will be more settled.

Those of you who were able to return your children to school will know that there were lots of changes to our systems and organisation, looking forward to September and whole school reopening, there will still be a need for adaptations in order to operate safely as a school.

We will be operating following government guidance and putting in place several controls to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19. You can see a full copy of our Covid-19 risk assessment on our website. We will regularly update this as guidance changes.

Whilst the government have indicated that the prevalence of coronavirus has decreased, the NHS Test and Track system is up and running and it is important that our whole school community work together to protect each other. I would love nothing more than to operate a normal school day, but unfortunately, I cannot and I ask for your patience and understanding once more.

Drop off & Pick up

Our plans for September aim to keep children in clear and consistent class/year bubbles. This will help school to limit the number of contacts children have with different people whilst still allowing them to have a school curriculum.  In order to do this, we have arranged some staggered starts and ends of the school day with 5-minute windows for classes to access safely. I know that the staggered start times at the start and end of the school day will be problematic for those of you who work or who have a number of children in different classes across the school but we have to follow the guidance and reduce the mixing of children as much as possible.

It is important that families stick to their allocated times and practise social distancing whilst picking up or dropping children off.  Your child’s entrance and exit door may be different so please ensure you have the correct information.  The timings of the school day are different but there is no reduction in teaching time.

Year 5

5AB to enter and exit via the HALL DOOR, start and finish times are 8:50am-3.05pm

5WL: to enter and exit via the HALL DOOR, start and finish times 8.55am-3.10pm

5KN to enter and exit via the HALL DOOR, start and finish times are 9.00am-3.15pm


There will be staff on the hall door who will support your children. Unfortunately, parents will still not be allowed on our school site, we ask that if children are accompanied to school one family member only to reduce crowding.

As you can see the timings are tight, each class is allowed 5min intervals in the hope that this prevents too many children accessing doors at the same time. If this doesn’t work we may have to change to 10min intervals.

Children who arrive late will have to wait until all classes have accessed the building and then will be allowed to enter after them. Where families have siblings in other classes with different start times, we ask that you bring the earliest first and work forwards.


The school meal service will be back to operating in both school kitchens, the menus will be posted on the school website. Only children having a school meal will be allowed into a year group sitting in the hall. Packed lunch children will be asked to bring a disposable bag and to eat their lunches supervised in their year group areas. Lunch service will be staggered to prevent year group bubbles mixing. The children in each year group will be allocated a slightly different lunch to allow all children to be able to access our halls. The year 5 lunch will be 12.30pm- 1.15pm

Breakfast club & After school clubs

For the first week of the new term there will be no clubs. This is due to the fact that children from different bubbles are not allowed to mix, which causes some difficulties with staffing as we usually have children from Rec to Y6 in the clubs. We will be reviewing these arrangements during the first week back and will let you know what has been decided.

Keeping us safe

I hope that the arrangements have not made anyone anxious about coming back to school, the risk assessments and controls are to make sure we are all safe. The most important thing will can do is wash hands regularly and try and keep our distance. In September there will no doubt be additional guidance-I can’t wait!!

For the start of the new school year we are back to full school uniform please with hair tied back.  I know this is a long letter with lots of details but I needed you to have as much information as possible before we finish. School ends 12 noon on Friday 17th July and reopens for children on Wednesday 2nd September.

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you back in September

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation

Yours sincerely

Mrs Walsh


September y5

Year 6 – September Opening Arrangements

RE: Year 6 September Opening Arrangements

Dear Parent or Carer,

As we come to the close of another school year, there is still so much to do to get ready for the next one. I thank you for your patience and hope that the new school year will be more settled.

Those of you who were able to return your children to school will know that there were lots of changes to our systems and organisation, looking forward to September and whole school reopening, there will still be a need for alterations in order to operate safely as a school.

We will be operating following government guidance and putting in place several controls to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19. You can see a full copy of our Covid-19 risk assessment on our website. We will regularly update this as guidance changes.

Whilst the government have indicated that the prevalence of coronavirus has decreased, the NHS Test and Track system is up and running and it is important that our whole school community work together to protect each other. I would love nothing more than to operate a normal school day, but unfortunately, I cannot and I ask for your patience and understanding once more.

Drop off & Pick up

Our plans for September aim to keep children in clear and consistent class/year bubbles. This will help school to limit the number of contacts children have with different people whilst still allowing them to have a school curriculum.  In order to do this, we have arranged some staggered starts and ends of the school day with 5-minute windows for classes to access safely. I know that the staggered start times at the start and end of the school day will be problematic for those of you who work or who have a number of children in different classes across the school but we have to follow the guidance and reduce the mixing of children as much as possible.

It is important that families stick to their allocated times and practise social distancing whilst picking up or dropping children off.  Your child’s entrance and exit door may be different so please ensure you have the correct information.  The timings of the school day are altered, but there is no reduction in teaching time.

Year 6

6DN to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 8:50am-3.05pm

6JJ to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 8.55am-3.10pm

6TL to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 9.00am-3.15pm


Unfortunately, parents will still not be allowed on our school site, we ask that if children are accompanied to school one family member only to reduce crowding.

As you can see the timings are tight, each class is allowed 5min intervals in the hope that this prevents too many children accessing doors at the same time. If this doesn’t work we may have to change to 10min intervals.

Children who arrive late will have to wait until all classes have accessed the building and then will be allowed to enter after them. Where families have siblings in other classes with different start times, we ask that you bring the earliest first and work forwards.


The school meal service will be back to operating in both school kitchens, the menus will be posted on the school website. Only children having a school meal will be allowed into a year group sitting in the hall. Packed lunch children will be asked to bring a disposable bag and to eat their lunches supervised in their year group areas. Lunch service will be staggered to prevent year group bubbles mixing. The children in each year group will be allocated a slightly different lunch to allow all children to be able to access our halls. The year 6 lunch will be 12.30- 1.15pm

Breakfast club & After school clubs

For the first week of the new term there will be no clubs. This is due to the fact that children from different bubbles are not allowed to mix, which causes some difficulties with staffing as we usually have children from Rec to Y6 in the clubs. We will be reviewing these arrangements during the first week back and will let you know what has been decided.

Keeping us safe

I hope that the arrangements have not made anyone anxious about coming back to school, the risk assessments and controls are to make sure we are all safe. The most important thing will can do is wash hands regularly and try and keep our distance. In September there will no doubt be additional guidance-I can’t wait!!

For the start of the new school year we are back to full school uniform please with hair tied back.  I know this is a long letter with lots of details but I needed you to have as much information as possible before we finish. School ends 12 noon on Friday 17th July and reopens for children on Wednesday 2nd September.

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you back in September

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation

Yours sincerely

Mrs Walsh




Nursery Hellos 2020

Hello everyone, Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Greer really enjoyed talking to you all last week on the phone. Lots of you said that you were missing your friends so we thought, how can we help you to see your friends? We decided to make this slide show so that you can see all of your friends and teachers. We miss you so much and are so very proud of you all staying at home and keeping safe with your families.

Take care and keep on having lots of fun.

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson

Download: Nursery Hellos 2020 [PowerPoint]

A message from your teachers

Good Morning Nursery. Your teachers are missing you all lots. Here we are saying hello.


A message from Miss Hughes

A letter for 1HH xx

A message from Mrs Swift

A letter to Year 3, from Mrs Swift.

Hi everyone! I hope you are all well and enjoying the extra family time.

Do you remember the Science lesson we did based on Gravity, when we stacked as many wooden toys as we could, on top of each other? Well, we had a go here at my house and I managed to beat our year 3 stack score!! With a little help, I will admit. I managed to stack…wait for it….53 pieces! I’ve included a photo as proof :). This is no easy task when you have a tiny baby wanting to knock them all down! It made me wonder what you could stack at home? Can you balance the forces to keep everything from falling? Have a go and share some photos. Who can beat my score?

I look forward to seeing you all soon, so we can continue our crazy Science quests. Keep safe!

Love Mrs Swift. 🙂

A message from Mrs Swift

A letter to Year 4, from Mrs Swift.

Hi everyone! I hope you are all keeping well. I am missing you all and hoping that you are all keeping yourself busy and enjoying lots of family time. I was actually talking about you to my little boy yesterday. We started to read Journey to Johannesburg, as he saw it on the shelf and fancied a read. Did anyone finish the story, after we did the first few chapters during our comprehension lessons? I know you all loved the story when we were reading it. I was happy to be reminded of how it ended and I know you will all enjoy it too.

Reading is one of our favourite pass times at the moment. Audio books too! They are great for when you fancy listening to a story and just want to let your mind wonder, picturing all of the characters. Do you remember we had a chat about this, how sometimes the films are just not as good as the books, because they aren’t the images you perceived? Well we’ve also just finished the first Harry Potter book and watched the film. Quite a few of the characters were different to what I imagined them to be, when we watched the film. The film is still amazing though 🙂

I would love to hear any book recommendations you have. My favourite genres are mystery and historical based texts, so give me a shout if you think of any good ones I can try 🙂

So until we chat again, keep safe and enjoy your extra family time. I would say make sure you wear your suncream when in the garden (because you know how easily I burn!!), but the nice weather seems to have done a runner at the moment. Hopefully the sun will be back soon.

Love Mrs Swift 🙂

A message from Mrs Greer

A letter for Mrs Greer’s nursery children

A message from Mrs Moscardini

A letter to 2LM from Mrs Moscardini x