Class Blogs
Altering and Creating Images
We Made Spaghetti Bolognese
Playing the Glockenspeil
Parent and Child Phonics
Monday Manifesto
Subtracting Using Concrete Resources
Parent and Child Art Workshop
Year 5 Update
Our first term in year 5 has been really positive and filled with new learning!
In English we have studied the story of the Selfish Giant and been creating our own Christmas poems in the style of the very famous ‘The Night Before Christmas’ poem.
In maths we have worked hard consolidating knowledge and honing our fluency skills, developing our reasoning and problem solving, focussing on number facts.
Geography has had us exploring the water cycle and history has taken us back in time to understand Liverpool’s role in the Transatlantic trade.
We have travelled to space, learning all about our Solar System and comparing the other planets to Earth. We are currently learning about forces and how they impact the world around us.
PE has seen us develop our balancing skills in gymnastics, gaining confidence in our movements and in games we have learned how to play tag rugby, developing our hand/eye coordination skills and teamwork.
In computing we have created animated films using Flip Books and have used Scratch for coding a racing car game.
After this successful autumn term, we are looking forward to the Christmas festivities and to returning for another positive Spring term in the new year.