[1LM] Explore Jesus’ Family

[2LD] Sketch Nation App

[1LM] Odd and Even

[Nursery] Number 1

[2BD] Non-Fiction Books

[Year 6] Fund Raising Autumn 2018

MacMillian Cancer support & CAFOD Wear it Bright


Year 6 made Mars Bar tray cakes to raise money for our chosen charities. We enjoyed working together to create a tasty treat that can be sold to raise lots of money. We also conducted a year 6 cake sale with cakes we had made at home.

[2LD] DT – Materials

[2HI] Model Fire Engines

[Year 5] Earth and Space

In Year 5 we have been learning all about Earth and Space. This week we looked at how planets orbit, rotate and move in the Solar System and around the Sun. We discussed the different theories that people have had throughout history on how the planets move and created our own drama, showing how people’s beliefs have changed from the Geocentric (Earth-centred) model, to the Heliocentric (Sun-centred) model.


[6KN] Liverpool During WW2