Earth Day

To celebrate this year’s Earth Day on 22nd April, the children in year 5 took part in creating awareness around the dangers of climate change and being part of the movement to hold the world governments accountable. In November 2021, there will be a meeting of world leaders held in Scotland, referred to as COP26, where governments will look at the Paris agreement and decide on ways forward to protect the future of our planet. This Earth Day, the theme was Restore Our Earth. Schools across the country are trying to raise awareness of the major issues our world faces if measures aren’t put in place to help nature heal from climate change. We want the world governments to recognise the seriousness of this issue and know that the ‘eyes of the world are watching’, including our next generation – our children – and that they will be held accountable for the decisions they make.

#CaptionTom100 Challenge

Persuasive Writing

Art Day


TT Rockstars

The Highwayman

Christmas Pictures & Nativity


Christmas Party

Nursery Nativity


Reception Christmas Party

RC Christmas Pictures

RC Nativity

RF Christmas Pictures

RF Nativity

RJ Christmas Pictures

RJ Nativity

Christmas Activity

Year 1

Merry Christmas!

Year 1 Nativity

Santa Dash

Visit from Santa

Year 2

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Jumper Day

2LM Christmas Jumpers

Santa Dash

Year 2 Nativity

2HI Christmas Party

2LM Christmas Party

Christmas Dinner

Year 3

Santa Dash

Christmas Dinner

Year 3 Nativity

Christmas Party Day

Year 4

Visit From Santa

Christmas Party Day

Advent – Collective Worship

Santa Dash

Christmas Dinner

Year 5

Christmas Song

Merry Christmas!

Santa Dash

Year 6

Santa Visit

Christmas Jumper Day

Santa Dash

Christmas Dinner

Collective Worship

Art Day
