Autumn Term Update

In Year 6, we have worked through the term looking at writing autobiographies and biographies and working on grammar to help our writing skills.

Last week looked at Y5/6 Common Exception Words

In Maths we have looked at aspects of number – place value, addition and subtraction as well as Long multiplication and Division. Working on our fluency and reasoning skills.

In our foundation subjects we have allocated days to study:

• Geography- where we learned about life in the Amazon rainforest
• Art – we studied the artist – Gaudi, who primarily spent most of his working life producing sculpture and architecture for the city of Barcelona.
• History – we have studied Aztec civilisation and produced Aztec calendars which captured the children’s enthusiasm.

We now look forward to the forthcoming season of Advent and the greatest gift – our Lord at the Nativity to conclude our Autumn term.

Liverpool College Important Changes to Year 7 Admissions 2021

LIVERPOOL COLLEGE Important Changes to Year 7 Admission Arrangements for September 2021 Entry No Banding Test Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are removing the requirement for applicants for Year 7 entry in September 2021 to sit our fair banding test. Places will be allocated using the published oversubscription criteria (rather than the oversubscription criteria being applied within the ability bands). Next Steps for Applying Parents therefore no longer need to complete an online supplementary Liverpool College application form (used to register for the banding test). Applications for places in Year 7 in September 2021 at Liverpool College should be made to the home local authority using the Preference Form (Common Application Form). The national closing date for applications is 31st October 2020 and applications can be made from 12th September. You can read the updated admissions policy for September 2021 on our website here: Musical Aptitude Test As we will still allocate 10% of the published admissions number (9 places) based on musical aptitude, we will be holding our musical aptitude test (but with some adjustments to practical arrangements to comply with protective health measures). Registering for the Musical Aptitude Test If you have already submitted an on-line supplementary application form (before the form was removed following the suspension of the banding test) and indicated that you wish your child to take the Musical Aptitude Test on this form, you don’t need to take any further action as you have already registered. If you have not yet registered, you should complete and return the separate Musical Aptitude Form which can be downloaded from our website. The form should be completed and returned to Liverpool College by 4.00pm on 25th September 2020. We will contact all music aptitude test applicants during the first week of October with details of dates and times. We are expecting over 500 children to take the test so it will have to be carried out over a period of a few days rather than on one day as originally intended. No Open Events The open morning scheduled for Saturday 12th September has been cancelled. We are disappointed not to be able to show you round our campus and some of our pupils have produced a virtual tour to give you a taste of life at Liverpool College.

Liverpool College Changes for Year 7 2021 Admissions

Year 6 – September Opening Arrangements

RE: Year 6 September Opening Arrangements

Dear Parent or Carer,

As we come to the close of another school year, there is still so much to do to get ready for the next one. I thank you for your patience and hope that the new school year will be more settled.

Those of you who were able to return your children to school will know that there were lots of changes to our systems and organisation, looking forward to September and whole school reopening, there will still be a need for alterations in order to operate safely as a school.

We will be operating following government guidance and putting in place several controls to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19. You can see a full copy of our Covid-19 risk assessment on our website. We will regularly update this as guidance changes.

Whilst the government have indicated that the prevalence of coronavirus has decreased, the NHS Test and Track system is up and running and it is important that our whole school community work together to protect each other. I would love nothing more than to operate a normal school day, but unfortunately, I cannot and I ask for your patience and understanding once more.

Drop off & Pick up

Our plans for September aim to keep children in clear and consistent class/year bubbles. This will help school to limit the number of contacts children have with different people whilst still allowing them to have a school curriculum.  In order to do this, we have arranged some staggered starts and ends of the school day with 5-minute windows for classes to access safely. I know that the staggered start times at the start and end of the school day will be problematic for those of you who work or who have a number of children in different classes across the school but we have to follow the guidance and reduce the mixing of children as much as possible.

It is important that families stick to their allocated times and practise social distancing whilst picking up or dropping children off.  Your child’s entrance and exit door may be different so please ensure you have the correct information.  The timings of the school day are altered, but there is no reduction in teaching time.

Year 6

6DN to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 8:50am-3.05pm

6JJ to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 8.55am-3.10pm

6TL to enter and exit via MAIN RECEPTION, start and finish times are 9.00am-3.15pm


Unfortunately, parents will still not be allowed on our school site, we ask that if children are accompanied to school one family member only to reduce crowding.

As you can see the timings are tight, each class is allowed 5min intervals in the hope that this prevents too many children accessing doors at the same time. If this doesn’t work we may have to change to 10min intervals.

Children who arrive late will have to wait until all classes have accessed the building and then will be allowed to enter after them. Where families have siblings in other classes with different start times, we ask that you bring the earliest first and work forwards.


The school meal service will be back to operating in both school kitchens, the menus will be posted on the school website. Only children having a school meal will be allowed into a year group sitting in the hall. Packed lunch children will be asked to bring a disposable bag and to eat their lunches supervised in their year group areas. Lunch service will be staggered to prevent year group bubbles mixing. The children in each year group will be allocated a slightly different lunch to allow all children to be able to access our halls. The year 6 lunch will be 12.30- 1.15pm

Breakfast club & After school clubs

For the first week of the new term there will be no clubs. This is due to the fact that children from different bubbles are not allowed to mix, which causes some difficulties with staffing as we usually have children from Rec to Y6 in the clubs. We will be reviewing these arrangements during the first week back and will let you know what has been decided.

Keeping us safe

I hope that the arrangements have not made anyone anxious about coming back to school, the risk assessments and controls are to make sure we are all safe. The most important thing will can do is wash hands regularly and try and keep our distance. In September there will no doubt be additional guidance-I can’t wait!!

For the start of the new school year we are back to full school uniform please with hair tied back.  I know this is a long letter with lots of details but I needed you to have as much information as possible before we finish. School ends 12 noon on Friday 17th July and reopens for children on Wednesday 2nd September.

Have a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you back in September

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation

Yours sincerely

Mrs Walsh




A message from Mrs McBrien

A letter to Year 6 from Mrs. McBrien

A message from Miss Kirwan

A letter to my lovely class 6KN from Miss Kirwan

Year 6 Update

Hello Year 6,

I hope all of you are well and are managing to stay happy during these lockdown procedures. As you are all old enough to understand, it is important that you help and support your families by doing the right thing and making good choices.

I wanted to write to you all as I know that the way school ended was upsetting and lots of you will be worried about whether you will get to come back to finish the year off properly. The truth is that none of us know this at the moment; if we do get back that will be fantastic and we will make sure the school year finishes with some of the usual goodbyes. If we don’t get back, then we will be inviting you all back for a leaving party and for other get together things when we are allowed to mix again.

Your teachers have been making sure that there is work available for you to make sure you stay on top of your subjects. What I say to those of you who are concerned about school work is that your health and wellbeing is important too. Try to make sure you do some lessons every day, keep reading and completing some maths, the structure will help to manage your day. You also need to keep active, do daily exercise, and use your time doing things you enjoy as well. If you have any worries you can always contact school and we will try our best to help. St Oswald’s has some staff in school every day as it is a Hub but we too have to social distance and work from home.

We have been working with all the secondary schools making sure that they have all the information they need to make your transfer to secondary school as smooth as it can be. But please remember that all children are in the same position so it will all be ok. Try not to worry.

We miss you all and look forward to seeing you again but in the meantime, take care and stay healthy.

Mrs Walsh

World Book Day

Using Number Lines to Solve Maths Problems

Personification Poetry

Harry Potter Week 2020