Y1 – Phonics Challenge

Good morning year 1, I hope you all had a lovely Easter. Here is a phonics challenge for you to try at home today. Good luck

Active Challenge – Day 11

Good morning everyone and I hope you had a lovely Easter. Here is our Active challenge day 11.

Good luck!

Y1 – Easter

As it is Good Friday year 1, why don’t you log into espresso and learn about the most important time of the Catholic calendar?


Username: student20220
Password: oswald

Please share with us what you find out and enjoy your Easter Weekend.

Y1 – Science Activity

Good morning year 1. Here is a Science activity for you to try at home. Stay safe!

Y1 – Maths Challenge

Good morning year 1. Here is a maths challenge for you today continuing without Active Maths. Get a grown-up to choose a number (no. Ore than 20), then you do that many hops, skips, jumps etc.. Then find how many different ways you can make that number using addition and subtraction. Good luck!

If you want some more active maths ideas use this link: https://www.teachactive.org/my-account/?code=T4CJW

Activity Challenge – Day 8

Active challenge day 8. Good luck

Also, try spelling out your name with these different exercises today. What other words can you make?

Active Challenge – Day 7

Active challenge day 7. Speed bounce competition. Have a go and post your scores and videos.

Good luck!