Third Space Learning from Home

Attached is a note on how to access the Third Space Learning resources. These resources are used in the Juniors but can be used by all pupils.

Download: Third Space Accessing Resources from Home [PDF]

We are constantly updating The Hub area of our Weduc app with any resources we are being made aware of. School PE resources have been added for example. It is worth checking back there on a regular basis.

Y4 – Desert Research

Hi year 4! We hope you are all safe and well.

We have a desert research task for you this weekend.

Can you answer the ‘True or False’ questions on the worksheet attached?

You may know the answer to some of the questions from the work we did in class. You can also use the internet to help you.

Good luck! We will post the answers on Monday.

Download: Research desert questions [PDF]

Y4 – Science Investigation

Hi Year 4!

We have a science investigation for you this weekend!

As our science topic was ‘Living things and their Habitats’ we would like you to have a go at looking for living things in our local environment. (Remember to also include plants!)

There are a few ways that you can do this activity:

– Look for living things when you go for a walk/exercise with your family (Remember to keep safe and social distance)
– Have a look in your garden for any living things.
– Complete the activity from home by having a think about what plants/animals/insects we would usually see in the spring time.

There is a sheet attached with some guidance on how to complete your activity and there are also some safety reminders attached too!

Think about the following questions..

– What have you found/seen? Do you know the name?
– Where did you find it? Can you describe the habitat?
– What does it look like? Can you draw a picture?
– Does this living things have any specific features that help it adapt to its habitat?

As an extension, can you research any other additional facts about an animal/plant in our local environment?

Good luck!

Download: Living things lesson 2 [PDF]

Active Challenge – Day 15

Day 15 of our Active Challenge and today we are using quick feet to see how many toe taps you can do in 30 seconds. Good luck.

Emoji Story Challenge

Can anyone name these famous children’s stories? Enjoy!

Y3 & Y4 – Bookmarks

Years 3 and 4! 🙂 We have finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and we LOVED it. Who else has read it? What’s your favourite part? Today we are going to make some corner bookmarks, ready for starting the next HP book. Have a go, they are really easy to make, if you follow the step-by-step instructions, below. I wonder which design we will choose?

External Link:

Active Challenge – Day 11

Good morning everyone and I hope you had a lovely Easter. Here is our Active challenge day 11.

Good luck!