Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Isobella

5EC Adam          5LD Tom

6JJ Thomas        6TL Kai


Star Awards

3HH Amelia

5EC   Sienna      5LD Devon

6JJ   Lana           6TL Audy


Writer Award:

 3HH Josh

 5EC Ruby        5LD Blaze

 6JJ Lilly            6TL Freya


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Archer



Wednesday Word – 25th May – 8th June

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 25th May – 8th June [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

Infant Weekly Awards


Infant  Weekly Awards – Friday 20th May 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Mila Luca Kaydee
Nursery PM Isla Chloe Anamika
RJC Hannah Robyn Ashoo
RSF Harley Hirun Miles
RAB Evelyn Monica Brody
1NM Jewel Alexandria Leah
1AJ Roman Alfie Francis
1SB Zihan James Jayden
2LH Alfie Halle Emily
2SG Caroline Lucy Scarlett
2JC Al Mia Mohamed

This week’s


Infant House Team Winner is – Shepherd



Nursery – Cole

Reception – Sonny

Year 2 – Jude & Sree

School Health Website

Please see below the link to the new School Health website.

External link: Primary School Health

You can contact School Health on 0151 295 8415.

Thank you.

Wednesday Word – 18th May

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 18th May [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

Infant Weekly Awards


Infant  Weekly Awards – Friday 13th May 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Tia Mahdia Shakthi
Nursery PM George Aarushkrishna Violet
RJC Allan Robyn Lucas M
RSF Holly Harry Austin
RAB Achu Lucy Thomas
1NM Emily Charlie Jacob
1AJ Joseph Joao Isla
1SB Blake Archie Stevie
2LH Charlie Jude Isla
2SG Archie Logan Alex
2JC Katie Freddie Thea

This week’s


Infant House Team Winner is – Lightbody



Year 1 – Rocco & Roman



Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3AB   James            3EM Bobby                 3HH Angelo

4MW Jenson           4PM   Dominika          4RD Michael

5EC Luke                5JW    Lilly                   5LD Finley

6JJ All Pupils          6SD All pupils              6TL All Pupils


Star Awards

3AB Bobby T            3EM Maria                   3HH Elle-Jae

4MW Evie                4PM Jay                        4RD Charlotte

5EC   Poppy              5JW Vanessa               5LD Bruk

6JJ   All Pupils          6SD All Pupils              6TL All Pupils


Writer Award:

 3AB Lucy                   3EM Chloe               3HH Lily

 4MW Adam                4PM Betsy                4RD Jared

 5EC Isobel                5JW Frankie             5LD Jack S

 6JJ All Pupils            6SD All Pupils           6TL All Pupils


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Lightbody

Junior Weekly Awards

Star Award:

3AB Pearl                  3HH Summer

4MW Poppy               4PM   Scarlett           4RD Heidi

5EC Elliott                  5JW   Emily               5LD Janvi

6JJ Theo                    6SD Jamie                 6TL Harvey


Behaviour Awards

3AB Evan                     3HH Eva

4MW Nicole                 4PM Daisy           4RD Connor

5EC   Mohammad        5JW Eva             5LD Eirene

6JJ    Nathan                6SD Jamie          6TL Zack


Writer Award:

 3AB Joseph          3HH Michael

4MW Luca             4PM Neve              4RD Lucy

 5EC Sienna           5JW Lexie            5LD Harry

 6JJ   Lisa               6SD Luen             6TL Heidi


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Archer



Infant Weekly Awards

Infant  Weekly Awards – Friday 6th May 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Bonnie Kaydee Franky
Nursery PM Chen Gabriel Hayden
RJC Mason R Louie Holly
RSF Harley D Avelyn Christopher
RAB Harper Caelan Jasmine
1NM Ivy Maggie-Mae Alex
1AJ Rocco Francis Isabella
1SB James Zihan Hayley
2LH Holly Nicole Eve
2SG Zach Olivia Austin
2JC Paul Caelan Laila

This week’s


Infant House Team Winner is – Shepherd



Reception – JJ, Holly

Year 1 – Alfie


Infant Weekly Award


Infant  Weekly Awards – Friday 29th April 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Victory Lena & Mila Paddy
Nursery PM Violet George  
RJC Paddy   Mason
RSF Gracie Marisol Austin
RAB Tilly Sonny JJ
1NM Archie A JJ Bonnie
1AJ Nicole George Bethany
1SB Jacko Alnour Charlotte
2LH Leo Xinhan Emily
2SG Hope Amelia CW Aleksander
2JC Heidi Scarlett Jack

This week’s


Infant House Team Winner is – Archer



Nursery – Sinead, Leo, Jewelmary

Reception – Louie, Achu, Sophia

Year 1 – Jayden, Jack, Mokshith, Iraklis, Stevie

Year 2 – Obeid, Jack, Thea