Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3AB Bobby         3EM Freddy      3HH Lucas

4MW Adam        4PM Kendyl      4RD Joan

5EC Josh           5LD Charlie   

6JJ Evie               6SD Jasmine    6TL Anthony


Star Award:

3AB   Ahmad           3EM Malaika           3HH Michael

4MW Luna              4PM Chloe               4RD   Layla

5EC Isabelle           5LD Leighton

6JJ Ethan                 6SD Freya        6TL Reuben


Writer Award:

3AB Lucy             3EM Poppy           3HH   Eva

4MW Bobby       4PM Daisy            4RDSam

5EC Jorgie           5LD Annabelle

6JJ Tom               6SD   Molly           6TL   Jose


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Lightbody



Infant Weekly Awards

Infant  Weekly Awards – Friday 21st January 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Franky Amelia & Isabel
Nursery PM Eliza Chloe
RJC Jessica Isla Sofia
RSF Emily Lily Joshua
RAB Caelan Zach Jasmine
1NM Charlie JJ Archie
1AJ Jenson Isla Bethany
1SB Archie Tyler M Jack O
2LH George Luca Oscar
2SG Amelia CW Ebony Ella
2JC Mohamed Kendal Mellaher

Infant House Team Winner is –  Lightbody




Nursery – John-Paul, Alan

Reception – Nevaeh, Alice

Year 1 – Sadie, Joseph, James

Year 2 – Nicole

Wednesday Word – 26th January

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 26th January [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

What Parents Need to Know About Horror Games

Please find the National Online Safety guide for ‘What Parents Need to Know About Horror Games‘ below.

Download: What Parents Need to Know About Horror Games [PDF]

Thank you.

What are Horror Games?

Horror video games come in a such a variety that the genre can hard to define. The overlapping element is that these games are designed to scare or unsettle the player through gameplay, atmosphere, story, music, setting and ‘jump scares’. The most common sub-genres are survival horror, action horror, psychological horror, jump-scare horror and reverse horror. These games originate from a range of developers, including smaller indie studios which release download-only titles (that is, they aren’t physically sold in shops) and therefore aren’t subject to age ratings.

In the guide, you’ll find tips on a number of potential risks such as adult themes, psychological horror and violent content.

Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3AB James   3EM Lyra       3HH Varun

4MW Poppy    4PM Eva      4RD Macy

5EC Leighton   5JW Mikey   5LD   Bruno

6JJ Millie       6SD Eva       6TL Dolly


Star Award:

3AB Willow       3EM Rose          3HH Amber

4MW Nicole      4PM   Jack         4RD   Scarlett

5EC Lacy             5JW Eva             5LD Roberto

6JJ Lilly               6SD Molly           6TL Evie


Writer Award:

3AB Ahmad       3EM Issy           3HH   Ethan

4MW Daisy       4PM   Ella         4RD Alex

5EC Princess     5JW Tianna       5LD Finley

6JJ Leann            6SD Dylan        6TL   Ava


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Archer  


Infant Weekly Awards

Infant  Weekly Awards –  14th January 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Shakthi Deacon Fin
Nursery PM George Isla Connie
RJC Isla Rose Lucas Hannah
RSF Iyla B Yousef Elsie
RAB Emily O Rithwika Billy
1NM Leah Nicolas Ivy
1AJ Lucia Tyler Rocco
1SB Isobel Charlotte Stevie
2LH Alfie Eve Robyn
2SG Annie May Caroline Obeid
2JC Jack Ewan Mia W

This week’s

 Infant House Team Winner is –  Shepherd



Nursery – Alfie K & Adityadev

Reception – Austin Mc & Max B

Year 1 – Azeriel, Jesse, Isabella-Rose

Year 2 – Poppy Mc, Alex W, Paul Mc & Lucas P

Wednesday Word – 19th January

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 19th January [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

 3EM Evie

4MW Bobby   4PM Poppy     4RD Heidi

5EC Jack            5LD   Blaze

6JJ Mikey          6SD Maya      6TL Jess


Star Award:

3EM Chloe

4MW Jasmine     4PM   Betsy         4RD   Senay

5EC Sienna          5LD Tom  

6JJ Tom                6SD Kamal     6TL Kai


Writer Award:

3EM   Charlotte  

4MW Ian       4PM    Hector    4RD Jared

5EC Elliott     5LD Annalise

6JJ Adam       6SD   Phoebe    6TL   Scarlett


This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Archer  

Infant Weekly Awards

Infant  Weekly Awards –  7th January 2022

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Oscar Leo
Nursery PM Alfie Sinead & Amelia
RJC Nevaeh Jeevan Jacob
RSF Max Gracie Mati
RAB Daniel Harper George
1NM Mason Swithun Emily
1AJ Mokshith Connor Ruby
1SB Lewis David Scarlett
2LH Oscar Emily Niamh
2SG Tyler Lucy P Jack T
2JC Alexis Max Caolan

 This week’s Infant House Team Winner is –  Roscoe & Shepherd




Nursery – Mahdia

Reception – Reuben, Lucas, Matilda, William, Michael, Isla-Rose, Joshua & Trudi

Year 1 – Archie, Aras, Isabella-Rose, Jack, JJ & Mihnea

Year 2 – Leighton, Holly & Lucy

Wednesday Word – 12th January

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 12th January [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust