Junior Weekly Awards


3EM: James   3HH: Sienna    3AB:  Mason

4PM:  Jay   4RD: Lucy   4MW: Ava G

5JW: Charlie T   5LD:  Kayla   5EC:  Jack

6SD: Thomas   6JJ: Evie   6TL:  Audy


3EM:  Summer   3HH:  Anna 3AB: Jayden

4PM:  Al Maha   4RD: Conor    4MW: Joshua

5JW: Mikey   5LD: Sophia 5EC: Jorgie

6SD:  Alicia/Dylan   6JJ: Adam     6TL:  Millie

Star of the week:

3EM: Oliver 3HH: Archie   3AB: Sienna

4PM: Leigton   4RD: Charlotte    4MW: Elsie

5JW: Scarlett    5LD: Jack   5EC:  Lacy

6SD: Maya    6JJ: Harvey C 6TL: Ethan


This week’s Junior House Team winners are all children in:  Shepherd


Infants Award Assembly

Awards Assembly

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Cole Frankie-Lily
Nursery PM George Anamika
RJC Louie Jacob Robyn
RAB Harper Billy Trudi
RSF Holly Harry Grace
1NM Bonnie Mason Jacob
1SB Charlotte Jorge Archie
1AJ Rocco Scarlett Sofia
2LH Holly Sienna Isla
2JC Dougie Lexie Lucas
2SG Phoebe Ebony Xavier

This week’s Infant House Team Winner is –  Lightbody





Junior Weekly Awards


3EM: Poppy    3HH: Amelia   3AB:  Summer

4PM: Daisy    4RD: Ellie-Mae   4MW: Nicole

   5EC:  Mason

6SD: Jamie 6JJ: Evie   6TL: Heidi

Star of the week

3EM: Clayton 3HH: Amber   3AB: Caoife

4PM: Max   4RD: Keira   4MW: Bobby

 5EC: Jayden

6SD: Phoebe   6JJ: Senu    6TL:  Scarlett


3EM:  Chloe   3HH: Anna   3AB:  Evan

4PM:  Daniel 4RD:  Macy     4MW:  Adam

  5EC:  Mia

6SD: Oscar   6JJ:  Lily 6TL:  Noor



3AB:   Willow and Ethan

3HH:  Max and Ashlynn

3EM: Poppy and Archie

4MW: Mason and Elsie

4RD: Charlotte and Holly

5LD: Isla and Thomas

5JW: Scarlett and Ava Rose

5EC: Princess and Luke



Infants Awards Assembly


Awards Assembly

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer
Nursery AM Amelia J Meadow
Nursery PM Violet Isla-Rose
RJC Fiore Sofia
RAB Monica Thomas
RSF Elijah Eliza
1NM Iraklis Polly Cole
1SB Hayley Lewis Lorena
1AJ Phoenix Mihnea George
2LH Niamh Sree Nicole
2JC Caolan Florence Mohamed
2SG Lucy Scarlett Logan

This week’s Infant House Team Winner is –  Roscoe


Play Leaders 1NM Sadie Charlie
1AJ Bethany Jesse
1SB Izzy Alnour
2LH Thomas Daisy
2SG Lucy B Zac
2JC Florence Caelan




Flu Immunisation letter with link


The immunisation service will be planning to deliver the flu campaign this year to all children in Reception to year 11 within a 12 week period. (Flu Season) – Please see letter below.

If any parents don’t have access to emails please contact the immunisation service on 0151 295 3833 and they will complete this over the phone


Dear Parents/Carers of children in reception to year 11,

Could you please complete your child’s electronic flu consent form via this link ASAP


If you have any difficulties accessing the link please contact the corresponding immunisation team on 0151 295 3833 who will be happy to help.

Remember flu is a really unpleasant illness and having your child vaccinated with a quick, painless nasal spray is the best way to protect them, your family and friends.

We understand that some people may not want to take up this offer and we ask that you still complete the form and choose that you don’t want your child to receive it to avoid our service contacting you.

If your child is in a different year group for their age please add the year group according to their DOB to ensure you can progress with completing the form.

Many Thanks,

School based immunisation services