Infant Weekly Awards

Awards Assembly

Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers
Nursery AM Franky H Matilda M
Nursery PM Louis D Connie W
RJC Jacob Hannah
RAB Tilly Zach Mc
RSF Joshua O Lily S
1NM Jewel Tilly Charlie C
1SB Blake Alfred Tyler M
1AJ Jesse Jenson Isla L
2LH Jude Oscar Sophie W
2JC Jack H Mia Lillia
2SG Austin Zach M Amelia CW

This week’s Infant House Team winner is –  Archer





Junior Weekly Awards


3EM: Archie   3HH:  Varun   3AB:  Daniel

4PM:  Neve   4RD: Jared   4MW: Joshua

5JW: Muhammad   5LD: Camilla   5EC: Freddie  

6SD: Kim   6JJ: Niauih    6TL: Dolly 

Star of the week

3EM: Rose 3HH: Penny   3AB: Willow

4PM: Ella   4RD: Alex   4MW: Jenson

5JW: Vikas 5LD: Isla   5EC: Isobel

6SD: Dylan   6JJ: Anthony    6TL:  Ruben


3EM: Charlotte   3HH:  Archie 3AB: Carl

4PM: Eva   4RD:  Hally   4MW: Poppy

5JW: Lily   5LD: Iniyah 5EC: Isobel

6SD: Ivy   6JJ: Leann 6TL: Freya


This week’s Junior House Team winners are all children in:  Lightbody


Macmillan Cancer Support letter


On Friday 24th September we will be taking part in The Macmillan World’s Biggest Coffee Morning to raise money for the Macmillan cancer charity.

please see attached letter

Macmillan letter final

Flu Immunisation letter

The immunisation service will be planning to deliver the flu campaign this year to all children in Reception to year 11 within a 12 week period. (Flu Season) – Please see letter attached

Flu Immunisation letter

Message from Father Liam

Please find below a message from Father Liam for the start of the new school year.