Nursery and Reception places for September 2021

Dear Parents/Carers we have places available in Nursery and Reception classes for September, please contact the school office for more information.

Liverpool City Council letter

Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building
Water Street

Dear Parents / Carers,
In recent weeks, we have seen a rapid rise in Covid-19 cases in Liverpool. Currently
Liverpool has rates of 158/100,000 and is on an upward trajectory. The dominant
strain of virus in the UK is called the Delta variant and we have seen a steep rise in
COVID-19 cases locally. Evidence suggests the Delta variant spreads more easily
than previous strains.
As a result, we are requesting that additional measures are brought into schools to
slow down the spread of the virus. These controls may cause some disruption to
end of year plans that normally take place. Activities such as transition, assemblies,
proms and performances may need to be modified and alternative arrangements
made. Educational visits may also be impacted by these additional measures.
Schools will communicate with parents directly if any of their plans are impacted.
Face Coverings
On the 21st June 2021, we are requesting staff and pupils in Year 7 and above to
wear face coverings indoors whilst in school, including in classrooms where social
distancing cannot be maintained, with the exception of certain lessons such as PE.
This is an additional measure to support schools to manage the increased risk of
school-based transmission due to increasing cases and is fully supported by central
The purpose of wearing a face covering is to minimise the risk of transmitting the
virus to other people if you are infectious but don’t have symptoms. We know that up
to 30% of people with COVID-19 don’t experience symptoms, and everyone who has
the virus will be infectious in the two days before their symptoms start, so wearing
face coverings is one of a range of infection prevention and control measures that
have been introduced in schools to protect pupils and staff.
Exemptions for wearing face coverings are still in place and further information about
exemptions can be found here.
Any pupil who has one of the conditions on the exemption list will not be expected to
wear a face covering whilst in school. Anyone communicating to someone who
relies on lip reading will also be exempt from wearing a face covering……. Please see attached letter

Letter to Parents SRMA – 18.6.21

Junior Weekly Awards


3BW   Michael   3LY   Almaha   3NT   Jasmine

4PM   Eirene     4LD Jess     4RD   Frankie

5KN   Lacy   5WL   Aidan

Star of the week

3BW   Lucy     3LY    Chloe    3NT   Josh

4PM   Mohammad    4LD   Mason     4RD   Katie

5KN   Dirushnan      5WL   Aidan


4PM   Camilla       4LD   Shea     4RD   Ruby

5KN   Molly


Infant Merit Assembly



Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers
AMG Monica Charlotte Oliver
PMG William Meadow Elijah
RC Marty Bethany Mihnea Scarlett
RF Cynthia Emily D Archie A Jewel
RJ James C Eliana Blake Izzy
1MD Daisy O Sienna P George Louie
1HH Amber Sarah N Jack H Freddie Mc
1AJ Lucy B Archie S Bianca Amelia C
2HI Archie K Sienna G Amber Sonny
2LM Isla Sadie Nancy James
2SG James L Amelia A Lucy D Bobby T



Lacey Lou            Samuel          Max            Mataika             Caisey

Junior Weekly Awards


3BW   Ruben      3LY Ella      3NT   Aaron

4PM   Devon     4LD   Alexa    4RD   Adam

5AB   Ruby    5KN   Jasmine   

6DN   Alfie    6JJ   Kristen    6TL   Finley

Star of the week

3BW   Macy     3LY    Dylan     3NT   Thor

4PM   Leighton   4LD   Tianna    4RD   Mia

5AB   Scarlett      5KN   Kamal      

6DN   Macy-Mai   6JJ   Summer   6TL   Scarlett


3BW   Jamie-Lee     3LY   Frankie    3NT   Gabrielle

4PM     Jack P    4LD   Lilly     4RD   Elliott

5AB   Ava     5KN   Oscar

6DN    Benny   6JJ   Thomas K     6TL   Daniel


Infant Merit Assembly 11.06.21

Merit Assembly


Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers
AMG Miles & Leo Mia & Harley Fiore & Roma
PMG Violet Jessica Maggie
RC Connor B George Joe Alfie K
RF Maggy-Mai Leah Cole Charlie C
RJ Hayley Tommy Jack L Alnour
1MD Eve Shea Isla P Charlie M
1HH Maxim Harry Kendal Scarlett B
1AJ Alfie W Ella C Phoebe J Poppy Mc
2HI Eva W Grace Anna Ethan
2LM Bobby W Mohja Ernie Summer L
2SG Pearl Willow Ethan






Building Work Update – June 2021