Junior Weekly Awards


3BW   Nancy   3LY   Clodagh    3NT   Raffael

4PM   Alissa    4LD   Ava   4RD   Leighton

5AB   Ruby   5KN   Eve   5WL   Thomas H

6DN   Daniel     6JJ   Jayden     6TL   Lucy

Star of the week

3BW   Jared   3LY   Daisy      3NT   Jasmine

4PM   Isla     4LD   Jess   4RD   Isobel

5AB   Harry       5KN   Harvey   5WL   Leann

6DN   Oliver   6JJ   Litesh     6TL   Erin


3BW   Charlotte     3LY   Max   3NT   Nicole

4PM   Leighton      4LD   Saif     4RD   Katie

5AB    Noor    5KN    Jasmine   5WL   Aidan

6DN   Cadence     6JJ   Bella      6TL   Libby



Infant Merit Awards


Merit Assembly


Class Behaviour Star of the Week



Writer Quackers
Nursery AM Roma K Emily E Mia C Miguel
Nursery PM Meadow Connie W Lily S Ava M
RC Archie D Jensen I Ruby S Connor B
RF Jacob T Bonnie Maggy-Mai William M
RJ Mia F Cara Maia Jack L
1MD Thomas C Oscar Nicole Darcie
1HH Isabella TG Mohamed Katie G Philip
1AJ Bianca Xavier Zach Annie
2HI Lucas A Amelia H Grace E Elle Jae
2LM Poppy J Alfie C Rose P Bobby W
2SG Jayden Bobby T Ethan D Jacob



Junior Weekly Awards

Junior Weekly Awards



3BW Jamie-Lee    3LY Eva    3NT Sam

4PM Lily    4LD Poppy   4RD Jack M

5AB Taigan   5KN Destiny   5WL Evie

6DN Benny     6JJ Alfie     6TL   Charlie

Star of the week

4PM Ethan     4LD Franky     4RD Riley

5AB Yixuan        5KN Tom    5WL Amy

6DN   Maisie H   6JJ Stathis    6TL Ruby


3BW Nicole    3LY Hector   3NT Adam C

4PM Jack       4LD Alexa     4RD Alice

6DN Katie S    6JJ Archie and Joseph


Advice for dealing with harmful online content

Please see attached

Safeguarding Matters

Infant Merit Assembly

Merit Assembly


Class Behaviour  

Star of the Week


Writer Quackers
Nursery AM Lucas M Emily O Jasmin A
Nursery PM Daniel Mc Maggie Louis D
RC George A Alfie K Rocco Sophia C
RF Polly Cynthia Isabella P Emily D
RJ Charlotte Hayley Jack O Stevie Lou
1MD Jude Freya Sienna Isla
1HH Mia K Roman Scarlett Esay
1AJ Leighton A Luca Scarlett Tyler
2HI Ella-Rose Amber Lily Max
2LM Ernie Charlotte Malaika Lyra
2SG Sienna S Willow Pearl Bobby H



Stevie Lou  RJ

Thea  1HH

Jack T 1AJ

Mrs Gentle

Captain Tom 100 Challenge

This Friday we will be joining #CaptainTom100 Challenge, as a national initiative to celebrate what would have been Captain Tom’s 101st birthday. Following Captain Tom’s lead, this challenge is inviting schools to do 100 of any activity – this could be building 100 paper aeroplanes, 100 laps of the playground or completing 100-star jumps!

Each year group will complete a different 100 challenge so be sure to check our twitter for our progress with the challenges. We ask that you bring a small donation into school on Friday (30th April) that we can also donate to his charity. 

 I’ve provided here a link to the official CaptainTom100 Challenge video –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZVAgjNWvOo



Nigel Mosaid

Head of Year 1 and PE Lead

Reminder – Nursery Closed Thursday 6th May

Dear Nursery parents,


Nursery will be closed on Thursday 6th May as it is being used as a Polling Station for the Local Elections.

Mrs M Walsh
