End of Spring Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

School finishes for Nursery children tomorrow 30th March and for all other year groups at 1pm on Wednesday 31st March. Please ensure that you have arrangements in place to have your children picked up promptly. Term resumes again on Monday 12th April at the usual time.

After Easter children can wear their summer uniforms, green check dresses or greys skirts/trousers/shorts and white school polo tops. School footwear is plain black shoes. As in my previous letter, children should have a lightweight shower proof coat for those days when the sun doesn’t shine!

For those children who bring a packed lunch, after half term we will be stricter enforcing the healthy lunch policy that states, no crisps except rice ones, no sweets, no chocolate or unhealthy foods. If these items are brought to school they will be left in the lunch boxes and returned home for you to eat at home. Please ensure your child has healthy lunch with enough nutritious food to support them through their day.

Apologies but once again, I am reminding you about safe and respectful parking, Montague Road is very narrow and a one-way system, it is nearly impossible to pick children up safely driving as this requires turning around in the road. Please consider a better way to pick up your children, maybe encouraging walking or cycling?

Though we have not been able to celebrate Holy Week and Easter as we usually would, I hope that you will be able to watch our Stations of the Cross service and our Easter blessing from Father Liam on our website. Your child/ren will be able to tell you how school has commemorated this special time and share some of the bible stories learnt.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and the weather stays kind so that some outdoor gatherings can go ahead. Please stay safe and I look forward to seeing you for our summer term.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


end of spring letter

Infants’ Merit Award Assembly

Merit Assembly


Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers
Nursery AM
Nursery PM
RC Lucia Archie D Sofia D Mihnea
RF Leah Sadie Irakis Charlie C
RJ Eliana Jack L Blake T Nour
1MD Jessica J Niamh Daisy O Holly C
1HH Florence Lilia Amber Mia
1AJ Logan Isabelle R Amelia C W Luca
2HI Karis Daniel K Elle Jae Angelo
2LM Samuel C Thomas G Lyra O Isla S
2SG Leighton B Amy B Maya Evan


Birthdays Charlie M (1MD), Amelia Rae (1AJ), Alfie C (2LM)

Luca Mc (1AJ) Walk for Autism raised over £100


Class Dojo/Team Points

1st – Archer              Joint 2nd  –  Lightbody & Roscoe                4th  –  Shepherd





School Finishes for Easter break Wednesday 31st March at 1pm and re-opens on Monday 12th April 

Building Works letter

RE: Building work.


Dear Parents & Carers,

As we near the end of the spring term, I would like to thank you for the positive response to returning to full school opening. Though we are still working under safe covid regulations, the children have been really sensible and had adapted quickly.

Just to add to the chaos, the next phase of our building project is starting and is having a major impact on the junior building. Two classes 4RD & 4LD are moving from their area to temporary classrooms upstairs, the move has been well organised and all resources needed have been transferred to their new rooms. From Monday 29th March those classes will be in their new rooms and will remain there until the end of term.

There will be eight classes of children upstairs all using one stair case to enter and exit, this will be managed by staff so that year group bubbles can be maintained and that safe travel can be assured. In the event of an emergency we will be able to access the two staircases and fire evacuation plans have been updated. We are trying to maintain the same drop off and pick up times but this will have to be kept under review.

The building project also means that some internal corridors through school to the dining hall will not be able to be used and all the junior children will have to go around the external route and enter the hall from the back entrance. On fine days this will just be an inconvenience and works well with military planning of times, however on wet days the children will need to wear their coats with hoods. I apologise for this inconvenience but there is no other route to the dining hall. Please make sure that your child always has an outside coat with a hood so that if it does rain they will not get wet.

The final impact of the building disruption is the loss of some internal toilets, we have temporary toilet blocks situated at the back of the school near the year 3 exit. Obviously, these toilets will have to be closely supervised so children are safely using the facilities.

The new phase of the building will mean that we will have three new large classrooms, some intervention rooms and updated, modern toilets. We can’t have improvements without the disruption, the staff have all been amazing, no complaints just getting on with it and the children are as always fabulous.

Thank you as always for your co-operation

Yours Sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


Building work


Junior Weekly Awards




3BW Charlotte    3LY Okbamariam   3NT Mia

4PM Annabelle     4LD Carter     4RD Livia

5AB Charlie     5KN Lucy     5WL Ruby T

6DN Alfie B   6JJ Jessica-Mae   6TL Joel

Star of the week

3BW Jack   3LY Kendyl   3NT Evie C

4PM Roberto    4LD Charlie T 4RD Josh

5AB   Hamza    5KN Harvey 5WL Theo

6DN Mollie 6JJ Alfie    6TL Luca


3BW Lucy 3LY Florence 3NT Bobby

4PM Alissa 4LD Lily H 4RD Poppy

5AB Jess 5KN Dylan 5WL Leann

6DN Cadence 6JJ Terris 6TL Charlie

Birthdays-   Jack- 3LY


Liverpool City Council letter to Parents

25th March 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,


Secondary school pupils should continue to take home tests twice per week.  If you’re a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of a member of school staff or a pupil you can now access testing twice weekly.  Further details can be found here: https://bit.ly/3cnmF5X

Testing is voluntary, but we strongly encourage people to access testing available to them.

It is still important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe. Please continue to follow all Coronavirus prevention guidelines, maintain social distancing and wear face coverings wherever possible.

For a reminder about Coronavirus symptoms and how to get tested please see supplementary information.

Please stay safe and thank you for your continued support.

Yours Sincerely,

Matt Ashton

Director of Public Health

Steve Reddy

Director of Children’s Services


Supplementary Covid Information

If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), get a PCR test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

People who are sick with coronavirus may have other flu like symptoms such as:

  • body aches
  • persistent headaches
  • sore throat
  • tiredness
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea or
  • diarrhoea


If you don’t have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus, you don’t need to isolate until you get your result, however you do need to continue to take the usual measures to protect yourself and others from illness.


People with symptoms can get a test here:



People without symptoms can access our community testing sites here:



Understanding Your Child

Free Parenting Guide for people living in Liverpool – free access if you have a purple bin!

Award winning online courses about being a parent or carer.

Find out more about:

  • How your child develops
  • Understanding how your child is feeling
  • Different styles of Parenting
  • Why is sleep important?
  • Communication with your child

These online parenting guides are offered free to parents and carers in Liverpool. Go to www.inourplace.co.uk  Enter the ACCESS CODE: PURPLE BIN

School Letter Parents PH March 29th 21 v2

Easter Class Competitions

Easter Class Competitions

Dear Parents/Carers,


As we prepare for our Easter celebrations in school, the PTFA would like to invite the children to take part in class competitions as we have done in the past.

For children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 our competition this year is to make an Easter bonnet or an Easter hat.


For children in Key Stage 2, please create an ‘egg carrier’. This can take any form you like, as long as it will transport your egg from a starting line, to finish line! Create your egg carrier from any materials you have to hand. Remember to bring an egg too – hard boiled is preferable to avoid messy clean ups. You will then complete an ‘egg and carrier’ race within your class bubbles.


The children can bring their entries into school on Tuesday 30th March where they will be able to take part in a parade/race with their year group/class bubbles.


Prizes will be awarded in each class.  We look forward to seeing the children’s creativity.


Thank you for your continued support


Mrs Greer and Mr Crowther

On behalf of the PTFA

Easter Class Competition letter

Junior Assembly


Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer

3LY                 Neve                   Al Maha          Eva

3NT                 Josh                    Jenson             Evie E

3BW                Heidi                   Sam                Alex

4PM                Jack S                  Charlie W        Annalise

4LD                 Lexie B                Emily C            Shea E

4RD                Mia D                    Elliott W          Leighton S

5AB                Zack                     Emily               Millie

5KN                Molly                    Jamie              Ivy

5WL               Harley                   Lana              Damari

6DN               Callum                  Oliver             Daniel

6JJ                Nicolas                  Archie             Laila

6TL               Emily                     Chloe               Maisie

School Councillor

3LY Eva W   Lucian N       5AB Zack- Noor

3BW Charlotte Holly        5KN    Maya – Sonny

3NT Nicole- Adam            5WL    Millie – Adam

4PM Charlie- Isla              6DN    Aaron M -Callum

4LD Luke – Av-Rose           6JJ     Nathan – Ebonie

4RD Isabelle -Jack K          6TL     Emily – Emma


Prefect Certificates 6JJ:          

Abbie, Stanimar, Jessica-Mae, Ethan, Thomas, Kristin, Michael, Nathan, Aiden

Prefect Certificate 6DN:

Ava, Kayden, Oliver, Ruby, Liam, Thomas, Millie, Kylie, Sophie, Brody, Aaron, Macy-Mai, Maisie H, Maisie O

Prefect Certificate 6TL:

Dominic, Libby-Mae,Deniz, Chloe, Emma, Lucy, Nathan, Allison, Daniel, Charlie, Joris.


Wear Blue for Bobby day raised:  £293.65       School Total = £565.33