Junior Weekly Awards





3NT Ara    3LY Betsy     3BW Jamie-Lee

4PM Jack P     4LD Alexa     4RD Alice

5KN Jake C     5WL Anthony p     5AB   Heidi T

6DN Millie M   6JJ Summer H   6TL Lulu B

Star of the week


3NT Elsie    3LY Florence   3BW Senay

4PM Eirene    4LD Ava E    4RD Ruby Mc

5KN   Demi K      5WL Alisha C   5AB Audy

6DN Aaron M   6JJ Nathan A      6TL Allison P


Infant Merit Assembly


Merit Assembly


Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers
Nursery AM Charlotte Deacon   Louie
Nursery PM Eliza Maggie   Holly
RC Francis Joseph Ruby Tyler
RF Cole Bonnie  Jacob Tilly
RJ Izzy McRyan Maia Tommy
1MD George Jessica Sophie Alfie
1HH Harry Lexi Max Laila
1AJ Olivia Miles Ella Scarlet
2HI Sienna Grace Michael Ava
2LM Bobby Casey Oliver Evie
2SG Caiofe Sienna Mercy James



Employment and Training Support from SureStart

Are you looking for work?

Do you want to get back into education or training?

Are you receiving benefits or Job Seekers Allowance?

Have you been out of work looking after your children, do you need help finding childcare?

We can help you, contact Lauren at the Children’s centre on 0151 233 4770 or email



Stoneycroft & Knotty Ash Children’s Centre

Scotia Road L13 6QJ

0151 233 4770

Employment and Training Support from Sure Start

Back To School letter

Dear Parents & Carers,

After a very long and difficult period for us all, we can finally welcome all children back to school from Monday 8th March. I would like to thank all of our families who have worked so hard, in very difficult circumstances to continue to support home learning. Hopefully after next week, you can hang up your educating job and return to the normal life you had pre-home learning.

Obviously, full school opening does not mean that school will return to pre covid, we will still have risks and controls in place to make sure we all stay safe and well. The risk assessment for full school opening is on our school website and I urge you to read it to familiarise yourselves with the systems in place. There are a few things that I would like to emphasise in this letter.

The entrance and exit points have already been sent out to you, can I ask that you please try and keep social distance when dropping off and picking up your children. The biggest risk to school reopening is community transmission from large gatherings of parents at gates. Try your best to maintain the spacing, and to not wait around either before or after drop off and pick up. Cars should not be a hazard to our children or to the community, so where possible families should walk.

Children will be expected in full school uniform, if this is an issue please let school know. PE kits should be brought into school in small bags and kept in school until Fridays. Packed lunches and water bottles are fine to be brought in. We will continue to try and minimise items shared between home and school, but reading books and phonics cards will still be allocated to your children.

It is vitally possible that if there is sickness in the household, then that person should be tested for corona virus. There has been information sent out around additional symptoms to the main ones, so please be careful about sending your child into school unwell, or if anyone living with them is either unwell or waiting for a result.

If you were one of the families who were eligible for a loan of a Chromebook or tablet, please return to school on Monday with the charging lead and the bags fully intact. These devices will be used in classes to continue to upskill the children on the use of the work platforms.

Finally, it just remains for me to say, we look forward to having your children back in school, we will look after them, and any anxieties around returning are normal. Once back, they will be able to regain those social skills, see friends and re-establish routines and boundaries. We will assess what each child needs and endeavour to catch up on lost learning.

I thought this image around catch up was very apt (please see attached letter).


Mrs M Walsh


Back To School letter

Letter from Liverpool City Council


Dear Parents and Carers

It is still important that we continue to keep ourselves and others safe. Please continue to follow all Coronavirus prevention guidelines, maintain social distancing and wear face coverings wherever possible.

School Testing

Upon return, secondary school aged children will be offered a series of three tests at their school under the supervision of a trained operator.  Testing is voluntary, and consent must be provided for your child directly to the school.

Following on site testing, children may then continue taking twice-weekly tests using a home test kit provided by their school. You will receive further information about how to participate directly from your school.

Household testing

If you’re a member of a household, childcare bubble or support bubble of a member of school staff or a pupil you can now access testing twice weekly.  Further details can be found here:


Testing is voluntary, but we strongly encourage people to access testing available to them.

For a reminder about Coronavirus symptoms and how to get tested please see page 2.

Please stay safe and thank you for your continued support.

Yours Sincerely

Matt Ashton

Director of Public Health, Liverpool

Page 2

General Covid-19 advice

If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), get a PCR test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal


People who are sick with coronavirus may have other flu like symptoms such as:

  • body aches
  • persistent headaches
  • sore throat
  • tiredness
  • shortness of breath
  • nausea or
  • diarrhoea

If you don’t have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus, you don’t need to isolate until you get your result, however you do need to continue to take the usual measures to protect yourself and others from illness.

People with symptoms can get a test here:


People without symptoms can access our community testing sites here:


Mental wellbeing

Parents needing extra care? Don’t forget about your own self-care. Discover our supportive online mental wellbeing space for adults: qwell.io


LA letter

Wednesday Word – 3rd March

Good morning,

Please see the link for the Wednesday Word below for 3rd March.

Download: Wednesday Word – 3rd March [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

World Book Day

World Book Day

Thursday 4th March 2021

Dear Parent/ Carers,

World Book Day takes place this Thursday 4th March 2021, and we would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. World Book Day celebrates the joy and value of books and reading, especially for children.

The children in school are allowed to come in wearing their own clothes on that day or fancy dress if they wish.

World Book Day £1 Token

The book tokens will be given out on Monday 8th March when all the children are back in school. Every child will receive a £1 book token allowing them to get a free £1 book or to get £1 off any book or audiobook costing £2.99 or more.

Thank you for your cooperation and support

Mrs L. Hindley.

Head of Literacy.

Parent letter World Book Day 2021


Home Learning Timetables – 1st March

Good morning!

Here are your Home Learning Timetables for the week commencing 1st March 2021:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture on Class Dojo or Google Classroom of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.

Entry & Exit Points and Times for week beginning 8th March

Entry and Exit Points and Times

Spring 2 2021

(Week beginning Monday 8th March)


Year Group Entry Exit


Nursery Morning 8:30 am

Afternoon 12:30 pm

Nursery Door

Morning 11:30 am

Afternoon 3:30 pm

Nursery Door


Reception 8:45 am

RJ – Door Opposite Nursery

RC – Class Door

RF – Class Door


3:00 pm

RJ – Door Opposite Nursery

RC – Class Door

RF – Class Door


Year 1 8:45 am

1AJ – Class Door

1MD – Class Door

1HH – Hall Door by Office


3:00 pm

1AJ – Class Door

1MD – Class Door

1HH – Hall Door by Office


Year 2 8:45 am

2HI – Class Door

2LM – Class Door

2SG – Hall Door


3:00 pm

2HI – Class Door

2LM – Class Door

2SG – Hall Door


Year 3 8:45 am

Old Office Gate


3:00 pm

Old Office Gate


Year 4 8:45 am

Main Gate on Junior Yard


3:00 pm

Main Gate on Junior Yard

Year 5 8:45 am

Hall Gate


3:00 pm

Hall Gate


Year 6 8:45 am

New Office Gate


3:00 pm

New Office Gate


Entry and Exit Points and Times for Parents

Heads up for Kate letter

Heads up for Kate – The Virtual Everest Challenge

Dear parents/carers,

As a school, we are going to be taking part in a fundraiser in memory of the Headteacher of Christ the King Primary School, Kate Griffin. The fundraiser will be raising money for Rainbows UK, a charity that supports children through bereavement. This is an organisation that has supported many of our children throughout the years.

In year group teams, we will be trying to climb the equivalent of Mount Everest by doing simple activities such as; running, dancing and climbing stairs. We will be trying to get as far as we can and seeing which year group can get the furthest. We will be completing this challenge in school, but you can join in at home as well! We will be ticking off boxes as we go on the sheet attached.

We have started a Virgin Money page here for you to sponsor us. Any donation, no matter how small will be greatly appreciated. It is for an amazing cause and your support will help RainbowsGB to continue in its vision which is quite simply “that every child and young person in every school in Great Britain, grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives, to be understood and supported appropriately.”

Here is the link to our donation page:


Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy supporting this challenge!

Mrs Moscardini,

Rainbows Co Ordinator

Heads up for Kate Letter