FareShare Charity – Surplus Food

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School is pleased to be able to report that we have started working with the charity FareShare, who have the aim of fighting hunger, and tackling food waste.

The FareShare charity receives high quality surplus food from supermarkets, manufacturers and the catering industry, and is shared out with community groups who distribute it to people who may need some help.

The food from FareShare is donated to them for lots of different reasons, it might be short dated or incorrectly labelled, it might be too big, too small, or too strange. Or There’s just too much of it left over in the supermarkets and manufacturers.
School receives a delivery of food every week, staff will pack it into hampers/bags to be distributed to families who have requested support.

If you feel that this is something that you would like to receive support from, please feel free to phone or email school to contact our Family Liaison Officer Mrs Hyland or Miss McKenna.


Please be aware that the food received through FareShare may have some late expiry dates on, but they NEVER are not within food standards, safe to eat dates. The food received weekly will change depending on the availability of the produce donated. Requests for specific food cannot be managed.

We look forward to being part of this wonderful charity and the work they do to support our community.

Mrs Walsh

Download: FareShare Letter for Parents [PDF]

Rainbows letter

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Our Rainbows programme aims to support and care for any of our children who have experienced a difficult loss or separation. Each session is designed to give children an opportunity to talk, reflect and offer advice within the group. The programme allows children the chance to share experiences with each other in a safe, confidential environment and understand that they aren’t alone in their feelings. Children complete activities in their personal journals, which are only shared when children are comfortable. Staff who run the programme have all had appropriate training and at the end of the programme, staff and children involved in Rainbows participate in a ‘Celebrate Me’ Day to acknowledge the progress and the new friendships made in the group.

Rainbows is an international program. You can learn more on their website here: https://rainbows.org/

If you feel that your child would benefit from taking part please return the form below. Once we have assessed the level of interest in the programme we will provide more information.

Kind regards,

Mrs Moscardini,

Rainbows co-ordinator


Kooth Support- Liverpool

Hi everyone,


As we enter December, the impacts of a winter season under these unusual times are beginning to be keenly felt. This can have a lasting effect on the wellbeing and mental health of our young people.


The build up to the Christmas period in particular can be a really challenging time for some. This is why at Kooth we’ve decided to share some of our resources for young people to help manage any difficulties around the festive season. 


Attached below are new resources tackling different topics relating to this period, as part of our ‘Struggling at Christmas’ series. The topics are as follows:


Struggling at Christmas- Dealing with Loss

Struggling at Christmas- Family Difficulties

Struggling at Christmas- Loneliness

Struggling at Christmas- Social Anxiety



Please feel free to download these resources and share with any young people you believe may find them helpful. 


This December we will also be featuring the following live forums on our Kooth website, which young people can access by heading to www.kooth.com on the dates below from 7:30-9pm:

Struggling at Christmas_ Social Anxiety Struggling at Christmas_ Family Difficulties Struggling at Christmas_ Loneliness Struggling at Christmas_ Dealing With Loss


12 Days of Christmas by the School Choir

Click below to watch our School Choir perform 12 Days of Christmas!

Admissions 2022

To: Parents and Carers of Children Attending Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Liverpool

Please see attached letter

Admissions 2022 – Letter to Parents

Weekly Awards – Juniors

Junior Weekly Awards



Star of the Week


3NT Charlotte    3LY Betsy     3BW   Poppy W

4PM Isla T     4LD Eleen     4RD Freddie

5KN Harvey     5WL Lana      5AB    Sadie

6DN   Jayden P   6JJ Terris   6TL Lilly-Mae



3NT Eliie    3LY Han   3BW Daisy

4PM Thomas W    4LD Mason    4RD Mia D

5KN   Dillon H      5WL Ellie D    5AB Emily C

6DN Mollie S    6JJ Stathis      6TL Dylan S

Weekly Awards

Weekly Awards (Infants)


RJ James  RC Roman   RF Charlie  1MD  Thomas   1HH Mellaher  1AJ Maria   2LM Ava   2HI Amelia C   2SG Mercy

Star of the Week

RJ Lewis RC Jensen  RF Ivy   1MD  Isla   1HH Amber  1AJ Zack 2LM Isla  2HI Lucas 2SG Evan


RJ Ellie-Mae  RC Rocco  RF Archie A  1MD  Nicole C   1HH Laila   1AJ Tyler  2LM Freddie  2HI Ellis  2SG Summer


RJ Jorge    RC Aleah   RF Jewel  1MD Louie  1HH Paul   1AJ Archie S  2LM Ernie  2HI Ethan  2SG Lacey


Jensen RC, Sienna 1MD, Scarlett 1AJ Bella 1AJ, Aleksander 1AJ, Dougie 1HH,

Roco 2SG, Ellie 2HI, Bobby 2SG


Sophie 1MD, Ella C 1AJ, Esay 1HH,  Daniel 2HI, Ahmed 2HI, Amelia C 2HI, Isla 2LM

Weekly Awards 2020

Safety & Respect letter

Dear Parents & Carers,

I am writing with a genuine plea for your support and cooperation.

I have received complaints, with genuine concerns, about the behaviour of some children and adults when picking up and dropping off children on Montague Road. The residents feel that their properties are being totally disrespected with people leaning on their walls, swinging on their gates and crowds gathering around their homes with no face coverings. Sadly, I have seen some of this poor behaviour myself and have to agree that there have been issues.

I am able to address children’s behaviour directly with them in school, every class has been reminded that when they are wearing our uniform they are representing our school and can be made accountable for behaviour, even when they are outside school. All classes have a separate arrival and pick up time so there should not be children arriving around Montague or Mill lane earlier than their allocated time. This is an important part of our covid safe guidelines, along with keeping separate from anyone who isn’t in their bubble.

Adults picking up or dropping off should be wearing face coverings around school and I ask when possible if adults can stand on the school side of the road away from the private properties. Families should not be driving down Montague Road, this is highly dangerous with the current situation and I ask that you park further away from school or walk. There has also been issues with parents parking in Aldi car park for convenience of dropping in the infants, but please only use allocated parking bays. The zig zag zones mean that no car can park, I ask that this is adhered to for the safety of our children.

Respect is an important quality that we encourage daily with the children, I ask can the adults most important to the children model this positive respectful behaviour and encourage consideration for the residents and their homes.

Community is very important to our school and I would like our neighbours to feel that we value them. Consideration of their feelings would be a positive start to compensating them for their inconvenience.

Thanking you in anticipation

Mrs Walsh

Head teacher

Safety respect