FareShare Information for Parents

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School is pleased to be able to report that we have started working with the charity FareShare, who have the aim of fighting hunger, and tackling food waste.

The FareShare charity receives high quality surplus food from supermarkets, manufacturers and the catering industry, and is shared out with community groups who distribute it to people who may need some help.

The food from FareShare is donated to them for lots of different reasons, it might be short dated or incorrectly labelled, it might be too big, too small, or too strange. Or There’s just too much of it left over in the supermarkets and manufacturers.

School receives a delivery of food every week, staff will pack it into hampers/bags to be distributed to families who have requested support. If you feel that this is something that you would like to receive support from, please feel free to phone or email school to contact our Family Liaison Officer Mrs Hyland or Miss McKenna.

Please be aware that the food received through FareShare may have some late expiry dates on, but they NEVER are not within food standards, safe to eat dates. The food received weekly will change depending on the availability of the produce donated. Requests for specific food cannot be managed.

We look forward to being part of this wonderful charity and the work they do to support our community.

Mrs Walsh

Download: FareShare Information to Parents Letter [PDF]

Weekly Awards – 20th November


RJ Jorge O RC Sofia   RF Iraklis  2LM April T  2HI Lilly B  2SG Bobby H

Star of the Week

RJ Noor RC Mihnea  RF Cynthia  2LM Alfie  2HI Ellis H 2SG Sienna S


RJ Jayden RC Jesse  RF Jacob  2LM Summer  2HI Karis  2SG Lacey Lou


RJ Archie   RC Isabella-Rose  RF Ivy  2LM Archie  2HI Amber  2SG Jayden

Junior Weekly Awards – 17th November

Star of the Week

4PM  Sophia M      4LD   Luke G    4RD  Jorgie

5KN   Thomas W   5WL   Evie KW

6DN  Alfie B      6JJ   Summer H    6TL   Deniz


4PM  Elorene   4LD Franky D    4RD  Sienna Mc

5KN  Nadia     5WL  Thomas H

6DN   Cadence   6JJ  Kirsten   6TL  Ruby O’N

Birthdays  – Maisie O’S     Amy      Alisha

Weekly Awards – 13th November


RJ James C RC Ruby S  RF Mason R  1MD Darcie  1AJ Lucy P  1HH Ewan  2LM Charlotte 2HI Ethan J  2SG Maya E

Star of the Week

RJ McRyan RC Isabella H  RF Jewel  1MD Daisy O  1AJ Bianca  1HH Phillip  2LM Oliver  2HI Archie 2SG Leighton


RJ Jack O RC Archie D RF Ivy 1MD Robyn 1AJ Miles  1HH Lucas P 2LM Amelia  2HI Daniel 2SG Maya M


RJ Mia W  RC Joe B RF Iracles 1MD Oscar T 1AJ Poppy Mc 1HH Mia K  2LM Lyra 2HI George  2SG Lucy


1MD Nicole C   1HH   Jack H   1AJ  Alfie W-S

Letter from Fr. Liam Collister

The Parishes of Saint Oswald & Saint Sebastian
Saint Oswald’s Presbytery; Saint Oswalds Street
Old Swan; Liverpool, L13 5SB
Tel: 0151 228 3327
Webpage: www.sebosw.org
Email: stoswaldstsebastian@rcaol.org.uk
9th November 2020

Dear parent/guardian

As you know, things have been rather hectic since I became parish priest of Saint Oswald’s and Saint Sebastian’s. We had the start of Lent, and then a few weeks later, the ‘national lockdown’ began on the 23rd March. And now, as things were slowly starting to get some sort of normality back, we find ourselves in another lockdown. I am sure you are wondering what is happening with the pastoral and Catholic life within our schools during this time, so I thought it best to give you an update as to what is going on.

In the next couple of weeks I shall be meeting with all of the children in our schools (online), which will hopefully give us all a chance to start getting to know each other, and also make sure that your child can put a face to my name. Once these meeting have taken place, we will be looking at the upcoming season of Advent, and we will all be involved in an advent service, where the wreath will be blessed, and the children will have an opportunity to bring up their prayers to be placed by the wreath. These prayers will then be brought into our churches, so that the whole parish community will be able to pray for these intentions together. After that, we will be looking into how we conduct our Christmas services.
I also know a lot of you are wondering about how we will prepare and celebrate our First Holy Communion Masses, especially for the children who are in Years 4 and 5. An online program is being worked out that will hopefully enable all involved to start and work through the preparation course. We will look into celebrating the First Holy Communion Masses in due time.

I am looking forward to walking with you and your children, especially as we prepare for the coming Christmas feast, and I hope that we will be able to celebrate together as a community soon, within both of our churches.
God bless; and stay safe.

Fr. Liam Collister

School Letter Nov 2020

Provision in the case of bubble/class being sent home to isolate

Free School Meal Entitlement

 RE: Provision in the case of a bubble/class being sent home to isolate

Dear parents/Carers,

I hope that you all had a good half term with your children and managed to do something fun and relaxing.

In the event of a class or year group being sent home due to a positive covid case, we have made arrangements with our catering company to provide food boxes to those families who are entitled to benefit related free school meals. The boxes contain food that can be used to make lunches at home, last time there was bread, potatoes, onions, cheese, pasta, rice etc. so all good produce which would enable your child to have a nutritious meal. The boxes would be available from the 2nd day after the classes being sent home, office staff will be in touch to ask if the boxes are wanted.

In the event of singular children isolating due to family or community links then a packed lunch bag can be ordered daily from the school offices and picked up by a family member. I must remind you that children who have been sent home to isolate must not be brought to the school premises, this is to protect the rest of our school community.

Let us pray that we have a safe half term and these provisions are not necessary.


Mrs M Walsh


Free school meal boxes

Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to the autumn newsletter 2020. This year like no other has
been full of challenges, but I have been so proud of our children and
families for the positive way that everyone has responded to
returning to full school. It is a joy to see the children in school; their
resilience has been amazing. I also have to thank all the staff who
have worked so hard in the preparation, the procedures, the new
systems of working and all the time putting aside their own
concerns to keep our children safe. We are truly blessed. As the term
progresses we will continue to try our best to keep as normal as we
can, and I look forward to a full and busy next half term. Enjoy a
well-earned, socially isolated break.

Autumn 1 Newsletter 2020

Be Bright, Be Seen – Liverpool City Council’s Letter

BE BRIGHT, BE SEEN – Reception to Year 6

You will be aware that the clocks will be set back an hour on Sunday 25th October, signalling the end of British Summer Time. In order to highlight children’s increased vulnerability on the roads at this time of year, Liverpool City Council’s Road Safety Team will be raising awareness by introducing the ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ campaign.

Download: BBBS Letter for Parents [PDF]

Download: Be Bright Be Seen Flyer 2020 [PDF]

Download: Be Seen Back Pack [PDF]

ASD Training Team – November Sessions

The ASD Training Team

The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing a series of virtual drop in advisory sessions via zoom.  They are for parent/carers wishing to talk in a private one to one setting about any questions or concerns they may have about their child. You do not require a diagnosis of ASD to book your place.

To book your place please email your choice of date and time and you will be emailed a zoom link. There are two places available for each time slot.


Download: Virtual Drop In Sessions: 2nd – 26th November 2020 [PDF]