ASD Training Team – October Sessions

The ASD Training Team

The Liverpool ASD Training Team are providing a series of virtual drop in advisory sessions via zoom.  They are for parent/carers wishing to talk in a private one to one setting about any questions or concerns they may have about their child. You do not require a diagnosis of ASD to book your place.

To book your place please email your choice of date and time and you will be emailed a zoom link. There are two places available for each time slot.

Download: Virtual Drop In Sessions: 19 – 28th October 2020 [PDF]

PTFA Zoom Meeting letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

A warm welcome back to school from the St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA and it is lovely to see everyone back in school learning and having fun with their friends. As I’m sure everyone is aware, face to face meetings between different parents and teachers cannot currently take place in school for our own safety and the safety of others. However, it would be lovely to touch base with all the wonderful parents/carers that have put so much effort into school events and fundraising over the past few years, as well as giving their time and great ideas in past meetings.

A remote ZOOM PTFA meeting will be taking place on Monday 12th October At 4pm for all our members to catch up, share ideas and discuss how we as a PTFA can benefit the children in school in such challenging circumstances.

Meeting ID: 399 672 1982

All parents are welcome to chat to the PTFA committee members and spread some cheer in these difficult times.

I look forward to seeing you on the Zoom call.

Many thanks

Mr Crowther

(PTFA chair)

PTFA Zoom Call letter

NHS Track and Trace letter

Dear Parents, please find attached a letter from NHS, Track and Trace that is being issued to schools to assist them in the advice to parents regarding covid.

NHS Track and Trace letter

Safeguarding Our Children in School letter


Dear Parents/Carers

Safeguarding Our Children in School

At St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School we strive to be a safe and caring school family and visitors regularly comment on our strong relationships with each other.  I am writing in response to a number of queries in relation to collecting children from school.  As part of our responsibility to safeguard our children in school, can I request you abide to the following:-

  • If someone different from usual is collecting your child, please inform the teacher on duty in the morning or phone the school office as early as possible.  We will not allow a child to go home with an adult we do not know.
  • If you have a number of children to collect you must go to each classroom/year group exit door.
  • Please be patient if you have a question at the end of the day, we ask for you to wait until all of the children have been collected and stand back from the classroom door so children can leave safely.
  • Our school grounds are also dog and smoke free zones.  We ask that you do not smoke near our entrance gates too.
  • Masks on school grounds are compulsory, and social distancing should be practised.
  • Our children follow the rule of ‘kind hands, kind words and kind feet’ we ask you to respect this as adults and refrain from using inappropriate language on our school grounds.
  • Please inform school if your child is ill and therefore going to be absent from school.
  • If you have a few family members/different family friends who regularly collect children, please complete the form overleaf so we can pass this information onto the class teacher.

Can I also remind families that with new local lockdown rules children should only be picked up by household members and adults from support bubbles. Official child minders are allowed to pick up as usual.

I am sure that as Parents and Carers you will realise that the safety of the children is the most important factor in any decisions taken in school.  Please take these measures as a positive that school is working hard at ensuring we reach the highest standard of safeguarding.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh



Wednesday Word Magazine

Hello all,

Until deliveries resume, you can access the latest Wednesday Word magazine here:

Download: Wednesday Word – 30 September 2020 [PDF]

Thank you.

Face Covering letter

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the past few weeks, we have been asking you all to wear face coverings when dropping off and picking up your child/ren to keep our school community safe. Thank you to all those parents/carers who have. Unfortunately, there are still a number of adults who are not.

As of tomorrow, if you are not wearing a face covering, you will not be allowed on site.

 If you are exempt, you must email in a copy of your medical letter/certificate or show this at the office. We will then update our records. If we have not seen this evidence from a medical practitioner, then we will not allow you on site without a face covering.

With an increase in confirmed cases in the region and local lockdown restrictions in place, it is vital that we keep our pupils, families, staff and community safe; this is our number one priority.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Miss D. Hay

Deputy Headteacher

Face Covering Letter

Letter from Liverpool City Council

September 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians

Your school is working hard during these difficult times, and asks for social distancing at the school gates. Unfortunately there are a small number of motorists who continue to create problems for fellow pupils and parents from the school community.

You are being asked not to park at

  • School KEEP CLEAR Markings
  • Close to Junctions
  • Double/Single Yellow Lines
  • Double parking
  • Parking in front of resident driveways
  • Parking on Pavements the constant bumping up onto the pavement with doors swinging open across the footway continues to pose an ongoing hazard for pedestrians.

 It should not take enforcement for you as parents/guardians to do the right thing for your school community especially during this difficult period of a pandemic. Please find a considerate, safe legal place and park away from the school entrances even if it means having to walk a short distance.

Road Safety Team Liverpool City Council

letter for parking issues All Schools Sept 20

Nursery & Reception Virtual Tour

There are spaces available in Nursery for September 2020. Please contact the school office 0151 228 8436 or email for more information.