Safeguarding Our Children in School letter


Dear Parents/Carers

Safeguarding Our Children in School

At St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School we strive to be a safe and caring school family and visitors regularly comment on our strong relationships with each other.  I am writing in response to a number of queries in relation to collecting children from school.  As part of our responsibility to safeguard our children in school, can I request you abide to the following:-

  • If someone different from usual is collecting your child, please inform the teacher on duty in the morning or phone the school office as early as possible.  We will not allow a child to go home with an adult we do not know.
  • If you have a number of children to collect you must go to each classroom/year group exit door.
  • Please be patient if you have a question at the end of the day, we ask for you to wait until all of the children have been collected and stand back from the classroom door so children can leave safely.
  • Our school grounds are also dog and smoke free zones.  We ask that you do not smoke near our entrance gates too.
  • Masks on school grounds are compulsory, and social distancing should be practised.
  • Our children follow the rule of ‘kind hands, kind words and kind feet’ we ask you to respect this as adults and refrain from using inappropriate language on our school grounds.
  • Please inform school if your child is ill and therefore going to be absent from school.
  • If you have a few family members/different family friends who regularly collect children, please complete the form overleaf so we can pass this information onto the class teacher.

Can I also remind families that with new local lockdown rules children should only be picked up by household members and adults from support bubbles. Official child minders are allowed to pick up as usual.

I am sure that as Parents and Carers you will realise that the safety of the children is the most important factor in any decisions taken in school.  Please take these measures as a positive that school is working hard at ensuring we reach the highest standard of safeguarding.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh



Wednesday Word Magazine

Hello all,

Until deliveries resume, you can access the latest Wednesday Word magazine here:

Download: Wednesday Word – 30 September 2020 [PDF]

Thank you.

Face Covering letter

Tuesday 22nd September 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Over the past few weeks, we have been asking you all to wear face coverings when dropping off and picking up your child/ren to keep our school community safe. Thank you to all those parents/carers who have. Unfortunately, there are still a number of adults who are not.

As of tomorrow, if you are not wearing a face covering, you will not be allowed on site.

 If you are exempt, you must email in a copy of your medical letter/certificate or show this at the office. We will then update our records. If we have not seen this evidence from a medical practitioner, then we will not allow you on site without a face covering.

With an increase in confirmed cases in the region and local lockdown restrictions in place, it is vital that we keep our pupils, families, staff and community safe; this is our number one priority.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Miss D. Hay

Deputy Headteacher

Face Covering Letter

Letter from Liverpool City Council

September 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians

Your school is working hard during these difficult times, and asks for social distancing at the school gates. Unfortunately there are a small number of motorists who continue to create problems for fellow pupils and parents from the school community.

You are being asked not to park at

  • School KEEP CLEAR Markings
  • Close to Junctions
  • Double/Single Yellow Lines
  • Double parking
  • Parking in front of resident driveways
  • Parking on Pavements the constant bumping up onto the pavement with doors swinging open across the footway continues to pose an ongoing hazard for pedestrians.

 It should not take enforcement for you as parents/guardians to do the right thing for your school community especially during this difficult period of a pandemic. Please find a considerate, safe legal place and park away from the school entrances even if it means having to walk a short distance.

Road Safety Team Liverpool City Council

letter for parking issues All Schools Sept 20

Nursery & Reception Virtual Tour

There are spaces available in Nursery for September 2020. Please contact the school office 0151 228 8436 or email for more information.

Joseph Lappin – Food Club letter

New ‘Food Club’ at The Joseph Lappin Centre, Mill Lane L13 5TF (next door to St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, junior buildingl) every Tuesday 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.

The ‘social supermarket’ has been set up to help the most in need in Old Swan (low waged / unemployed / disabled / pension credits / vulnerable) and replaces the emergency food hamper delivery service provided during the pandemic.   Choose 10 items for £3.50 (cash only).   Bring address ID to register.

Thank you to The National Lottery Community Coronavirus Fund and Old Swan Ward Councillors for supporting this initiative. Money each week from shoppers is reinvested and buys more stock for next week.

When visiting the Centre, please keep 2m social distance, wear a mask and sanitise your hands before entering the building.

Any questions contact

or call07563 831 223 (during office hours).

Joseph Lappin Centre – Food Club letter


Liverpool College Important Changes to Year 7 Admissions 2021

LIVERPOOL COLLEGE Important Changes to Year 7 Admission Arrangements for September 2021 Entry No Banding Test Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we are removing the requirement for applicants for Year 7 entry in September 2021 to sit our fair banding test. Places will be allocated using the published oversubscription criteria (rather than the oversubscription criteria being applied within the ability bands). Next Steps for Applying Parents therefore no longer need to complete an online supplementary Liverpool College application form (used to register for the banding test). Applications for places in Year 7 in September 2021 at Liverpool College should be made to the home local authority using the Preference Form (Common Application Form). The national closing date for applications is 31st October 2020 and applications can be made from 12th September. You can read the updated admissions policy for September 2021 on our website here: Musical Aptitude Test As we will still allocate 10% of the published admissions number (9 places) based on musical aptitude, we will be holding our musical aptitude test (but with some adjustments to practical arrangements to comply with protective health measures). Registering for the Musical Aptitude Test If you have already submitted an on-line supplementary application form (before the form was removed following the suspension of the banding test) and indicated that you wish your child to take the Musical Aptitude Test on this form, you don’t need to take any further action as you have already registered. If you have not yet registered, you should complete and return the separate Musical Aptitude Form which can be downloaded from our website. The form should be completed and returned to Liverpool College by 4.00pm on 25th September 2020. We will contact all music aptitude test applicants during the first week of October with details of dates and times. We are expecting over 500 children to take the test so it will have to be carried out over a period of a few days rather than on one day as originally intended. No Open Events The open morning scheduled for Saturday 12th September has been cancelled. We are disappointed not to be able to show you round our campus and some of our pupils have produced a virtual tour to give you a taste of life at Liverpool College.

Liverpool College Changes for Year 7 2021 Admissions

COVID Test Results Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

If your child is sent home from school with suspected COVID symptoms (or if anybody else in the household has suspected COVID symptoms), they will not be allowed back into school before the isolation period ends unless we have seen a negative COVID test result.

What do I do if I have a negative COVID result?

Once you have a negative result, please email a copy of this to or alternatively, you can show this to a member of our admin staff in either office. Please do not bring your child back into school unless you have done one of the above.

What do I do if I have a positive COVID result?

If you recieve a positive result, it is extremely important that you emal straight away regardeless of the time or day. This will then enable senior leaders to communicate this with the school community appropriately and put the relevant procedures in place to keep everybody safe. Please do not email this account for any other reason.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Mrs M Walsh

Public Health Liverpool Letter

Dear Parents,

I am writing to alert you to the worrying situation in Liverpool, where COVID-19 positive cases have been increasing rapidly and significantly in the last week. The total number of confirmed cases in the last 7 days is 303, an increase of 212 cases on the previous week.

Schools have put in place several important measures to help reduce the number children becoming infected.  These measures are based on the best available evidence and guidance, and are fully endorsed by Liverpool City Council and the Public Health department:

We ask you continue to support schools by:

  • Getting your child tested if they develop COVID-19 symptoms: high temperature, a new continuous cough, loss or change to smell or taste
  • Ensure your child isolates for 14 days if they have had contact with someone who has tested positive. Isolation means they must not leave the house except in an emergency. Remember you should get your child tested if they do develop symptoms. But even if the test is negative – they must still carry on isolating for 14 days if they have had contact with a positive person.
  • Wear face coverings over your mouth and nose when you pick up or drop off your children at the school gate plus when social distancing is not possible outdoors and indoors. By law, you must now wear them in most indoor settings including public transport, shops, post-offices, banks, beauty salons, visitor attractions and entertainment venues, libraries, community centres, places of worship and public areas in hotels
  • Even when wearing a face covering you still need to social distance at the school at all times including drop off and pick up. You must stay 2 metres away from other adults and children.
  • Where instructed stagger drop off and pick up times
  • Wash your and your child’s hands with soap and water after pick up from school as soon as possible. Use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water not available.
  • Your child should limit group contact with friends over the weekend and when not in school.


This is an ever changing situation. As new information comes out we may need to change the guidance at short notice. Thank you for your continued support.

Stay safe,

School COVID alert letter