Half Term Provisions

Information has been published on the Liverpool City Council website updating parents with no alternative at all of a limited availability of holiday provision. Please see below.

Hubs for primary-aged children

The hubs are closing on Friday 22nd May 2020 and will not reopen. Provision will be offered from your child’s primary schools from Monday 1st June (at St Oswald’s Primary School this will be from Monday 8th June) for vulnerable pupils and key workers. Please check your child’s school website for details.

We are incredibly grateful for staff who have worked in or supported the hubs across the city.

Half term provision for primary aged children

During the half term period from Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May (please note that St Oswald’s Primary School will have a half term period of Monday 25th May to Friday 5th June) there will be a limited number of places for primary aged children ages 5 to 11. There are a limited number of 72 places available for children where there are 2 key worker parents both working out of the home at the same time next week.

North: Rice Lane Farm. (20 places) – open 9.00am to 4.00pm – available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost: £20 per day per place.

Central: Out of this World, Joseph Lappin Centre. (up to 32 places) – open 8.00am to 6.00pm – available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost: £20 per day per place.

South: Five for Families (Speke). (20 places) – open 9.00am to 4.00pm – available Bank Holiday Monday if sufficient demand. Cost: £30 per day per place.

Places are only available in exceptional circumstances. Places will be allocated on prioritised need for key critical workers and first come first served.

Please email: Judith.Boyce@si.liverpool.gov.uk; to discuss a place.

Staff who have worked in all types of education settings for the last 3 months need a break during half term and some will also be working to prepare their school for opening to key workers children and vulnerable. Employers, including those of key workers should also recognise that their staff need a break. As above we will do all we can to accommodate those with no alternative options.

Primary schools

All primary schools are closed for the half term during the half term period from Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May (please note that St Oswald’s Primary School will be closed until Friday 5th June and reopen on Monday 8th June). They will reopen for their own vulnerable children and key workers. Please check your child’s school website for details.

Secondary Schools

Provision continues to be available for vulnerable children and key workers from your child’s school. Please contact the individual school and check their website for details.

There is no half term provision for secondary aged children.

Special Schools

The majority of special schools are closed during the half term period from Monday 25th May to Friday 29th May. Palmerston, Redbridge & Princes are offering some support to their own families. Special schools will reopen on Monday 1st June for vulnerable children and key workers. Please check your child’s school website for details.

Care for nursery and early years children

Keyworkers who need to secure child care provision as their usual provider is not open or does not plan to open need to contact the Family Information Service on 0151 233 0499 or 0151 233 0495 or email EarlyYears@liverpool.gov.uk who will identify a provider for them.

View a list of private, voluntary and independent childminders and nurseries that remain open.

Mr Hegarty Letter

Dear parents and carers,

Like you all, I am aware that we are living in very troubling and uncertain times. I sincerely hope and pray that all your families are safe and well.

I am extremely grateful to the staff in our school. Not only has the school been open as a hub every day, including some back holidays, but teachers have also been providing information and resources for all our pupils. I am sure you are aware, through the media that we are still in a situation of some considerable confusion regarding the potential phased reopening of schools. Even as I am writing this, it appears that the situation is changing daily if not hourly.

As Chair of Governors I have kept in regular contact with the school and we, as a Governing Body have been holding regular meetings via Zoom.

There are many factors for staff and governors to consider regarding the current situation which is primarily focused upon ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone in school. In addition to the many difficulties all schools face, St Oswald’s is one of the largest primary school in the country with a split site and a very challenging layout.

Being very honest with parents, one thing that can be confirmed, is that however our phased re-opening is managed moving forward, school will be a very different place during this unsettled period. It is highly unlikely that children will return to their class teacher or teaching assistant and may be separated from friends.

I cannot praise highly enough the hard work, courage and dedication of every person working in the School. All members of the senior leadership, teachers, administration staff, support staff, catering service and our cleaning team have all contributed to a fantastic effort that has kept those attending safe.  I think that as this week we saw #thankateacherday it is fitting to thank, not only the teachers, but everybody involved in the smooth operation of our hub.

The staff are greatly missing each and every one of our precious school family. However, I am sure you will all agree that the safety and wellbeing of our children and staff has to remain our absolute priority.

I hope you all keep safe and well.  I would ask that you keep our school community in your prayers as we continue to work together during these unprecedented times.

Mrs Walsh will keep you fully informed of developments as the situation develops.

Kind regards,

Tony Hegarty
Chair of Governors

Download: Mr Hegarty Letter [PDF]

School Opening Arrangements

School Opening Arrangements

Download: School Opening Arrangements Letter [PDF]
Download: Letter from Steve Ready: Liverpool Position on School Re-openings [PDF]
Download: St Oswald’s Risk Asessment [PDF]

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope that everyone is safe and managing to cope with this strange new world we are all living in. I’m sure that there isn’t a family that hasn’t in some way been affected by this virus and I pray that we can all come through this together as best we can.

Following on from the communications from Steve Reddy, Director of Children’s Services, outlining the Liverpool Position on school reopening, our Governing Body has elected to follow this guidance too but with some slight alterations, namely the timing of the half term break.

I wanted to write to you to further clarify our position as a school, and the potential way forward; all decisions the Governing Body and I have made have been with the best interests of our children, staff and community at heart. In communications with families, we have been overwhelmed by the positive and kind comments, these have been so welcome and have helped us through some very anxious times.

Since March, St Oswald’s school has been open as a safe space Hub for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. There has been as expected, a limited uptake for this facility, this is as it should be, as the Hub was always open on the understanding that it was a last resort and the safest place for everyone was at home.

On May 22nd the St Oswald’s Hub will close for the final time and all Liverpool schools with have the planned half term break. As previously agreed, St Oswald’s will reopen on June 8th for the children of key workers and vulnerable children, this should continue to only be where there is no other viable alternative, as the safest place for the vast majority of children is their home. This provision will be childcare not education based and we will continue to provide home learning for all our pupils during this time. We will be applying challenge when families ask for a key worker place, just as we did when we opened the Hub. Please do not be offended, this is to make sure we can provide a safe environment for all.

As outlined in Steve Reddy’s letter from Friday last week, on June 8th Liverpool City Council will be conducting further risk assessments to ascertain whether Year 6 pupils return to school later in June. Once we know more, we will be in touch. These risk assessments, which will include liaising with public health and taking into account the local context of Covid 19, will continue before other year groups potentially come into school.

Schools too are making risk assessments based on their own circumstances’ around space, staffing numbers and availability to be able to meet the stringent requirements to reopen.

As and when children do return to school, it will by no means be in ‘normal’ circumstances, I want to make this very clear from the start; school will be very different. We have to introduce strict social distancing measures, which I’m sure you can imagine is extremely difficult. Children will have to adhere to the new stricter behaviour requirements and those who cannot or will not follow social distancing would have to be risk assessed to determine whether it would be safer for them and others if they stayed at home.

We will be allowed no more than 15 children in a class group, so half the children will not be in their usual classroom or with their teacher. We have been advised that the children must remain within the group that they are with for lessons, break times and lunch times. The 15 child bubble will only be allowed to mix with themselves, no other friendship or learning groups will be allowed. Within each class group children will be socially distant, separate on a table, working in the same area, with the same equipment throughout the day to prevent cross contamination. Children will be limited to bringing only a coat and possibly a packed lunch in a disposable container, a drink bottle will be a requirement to prevent sharing of cups.

Lunch and playtimes will have to be staggered so that these bubbles of children do not mix. The school day will have to be altered to accommodate arranged times for drop off and pick up. Entrances and exits from the building will have to be agreed with adults having to distance at the agreed points. Throughout the day there will be planned and regimented hand washing and cleaning protocols, the buildings will have one way systems for travelling.

As you can see there is a lot of planning and risk assessing that will go into any decisions to safely open school. I feel sad just thinking about how this goes against all our usual, happy school life. For our year 6 who must want so much to have leaving celebrations and big goodbyes, sadly there will be none. We are not allowed to gather together so that expectation must be managed with your children.

I want to make it clear that there is no expectation for you to send your children back to school, this is a family decision, and there will be no pressure to attend. If families make the decision that your child is safer at home then we respect that decision, no one will be penalised for non-attendance at this time.

Having had communications with some families we understand that a number of you do not intend for your children to return to school at this time so alongside any potential reopening we will be continuing to provide access to home learning and communications with teachers via the usual method of Weduc and the website.

There has been lots of commentary and fear about children falling behind in school, well ALL children are not in school so there can be no falling behind. When we do get back to normal school, the professionals will ensure gaps are filled and basic skills reemphasised, but for now my advice is to look after each other, enjoy the precious time together and try and be happy. Anxiety needs to be minimised.

So in closing, I just want to reiterate that there is nothing more I as Headteacher or my staff want more than to be back in school with all our pupils, laughing, learning, celebrating success and being the wonderful family that we are so very proud of, however we also want everyone to be safe, our children, their families, our staff and all our extend families. The future is certainly uncertain and I fear it will be a long time until we can go back to our old lives. This virus is like nothing we have ever known and so our response has to be like nothing we have ever known, staying safe is our first priority for everyone.

Stay safe and well everyone and I hope to see you all as soon as it is safely possible.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Walsh

Download: School Opening Arrangements Letter [PDF]

The Largest Online Art Lesson!

We are attempting to break the #GuinnessWorldRecord for largest online art lesson with Rob Biddulph and Art World Records. Please join us on the 21st of May at 4pm.

Register individually on www.artworldrecords.com to receive the link to the stream.

Wowfest Lockdown


Join local and national artists and authors for WOWFEST’s storytime! Something for children 0-7 years (But all are welcome! Old or young).

13th May

It’s Storytime with Natalia Rojas (0-7 years) at 11am on 13th May! Natalia will be reading her book “Every Family Is Different”.

Learn more > https://bit.ly/2T0pTlD

15th May

Check out the next generation of young spoken word artists, rappers, grime artists and lyricists breaking out through WoW’s Life of Grime project at 3pm on 15th May!

Learn more > https://bit.ly/2WpMavh

Sign up > https://bit.ly/2xVWbad

19th May

It’s Storytime with Glamrou (0-7 years) at 11am on 19th May! Join Glamrou for a story time all about a little fish growing up in the warm Egyptian seas.

Learn more > https://bit.ly/2xVXaqV

20th May

It’s Storytime with Jude Lennon (0-7 years) at 11am on 20th May! Join local author Jude Lennon as she reads from her latest children’s book ‘That’s Our Home!’

Learn more > https://bit.ly/3bwSDZS

22nd May

There’s a Wowfest reading and Q&A about Sharna Jackson’s “High-rise Mystery” at 3pm on 22nd May. The perfect ‘whodunnit’ for children aged 8+.

Learn more > https://bit.ly/3cr9v5p

26th May

It’s Storytime with Natalie Reeves Billing (0-7 years) at 11am on 26th May! Natalie Reeves Billing will be reading from her new book ‘My Mummy is a Monster’ a book written to help struggling families communicate in the Coronavirus crisis and beyond.

Learn more > https://bit.ly/3bs4YOT

27th May

It’s Storytime with Travelled Companions (0-7 years) at 11am on 27th May! Join them for an interactive story adventure. A Red Hood, A Glass Slipper, Some little Elfs and a Big Bad Wolf!

Learn more > https://bit.ly/2WQnvyR

Hub Closed on Friday 8th May

Please note that the St Oswald’s Primary School Hub will be closed this Friday 8th May 2020 for primary-age pupils whose parents are key workers.

You can check the latest information for schools that will be open on the Liverpool City Council website.

External Link: https://liverpool.gov.uk/communities-and-safety/emergency-planning/coronavirus/childcare-hubs-and-education/childcare-hubs-for-key-workers/

Thank you.

First Holy Communion Masses 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

We began the “With You Always” preparation journey in both parishes earlier on this year, with a view to the children of our parish receiving their First Holy Communion in June 2020. Unfortunately, on the 23rd March, the country went into lockdown, and we have been in that position ever since. This has meant the introduction of tightened social distancing, as well as the closure of all non-essential buildings, including all Churches with their related sacramental programs.

The ongoing lockdown has had a very profound knock-on effect to the parish life within our communities, including the preparation and reception of Holy Communion for 2020. I have had to make a difficult decision regarding the reception of First Holy Communion.

Due to the uncertain future at the moment; the unknown timescale of the lockdown, and the continuing social distance measures that will probably still be in effect after the lockdown, the receiving of First Holy Communion for all Year 4 children within our parishes in June 2020 be deferred until 2021. This means that there will be no First Holy Communion Masses taking place this year. I know this news is sad and disappointing, but I do hope you understand the reasons why I have made this difficult decision. Hopefully, in September, we will be able to re-start the “With You Always” preparation course for Holy Communion, with a view for the First Holy Communion Masses taking place in Spring 2021.

I will be in touch in the new school year to let you know the updated timeframe and how the preparation course will take shape. Please do keep safe, and I hope to see you all soon.

God bless.

Fr. Liam Collister (Parish Priest)

Picturepath – Free Tool

We wanted to write to you to let you know about a great resource that is being offered for free during this current lockdown.

Picturepath is an online timeline tool that helps children with Autism and other educational needs to manage their daily routines without getting stressed. They have had great feedback from SENCo’s, parents and SEND children who’ve been using Picturepath to help them adapt to home learning during the Covid-19 lockdown. Because of this they’re wanting to support more schools and families with SEND children by offering Picturepath for free for the rest of the academic year. Links to the parents app are below:

Apple App Store – https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/picturepath/id1339643269

Google Play Store – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.acorn.picapp&hl=en_GB

Pyjamarama Day

Happy Pyjamarama Day everybody!

Happy #pyjamarama day everyone!

I hope, like me, you are enjoying having plenty more time to read some new books. I’m not too sure if Molly is enjoying this one quite as much as I am 😴🐶

Miss Guy x

Mr Murray is in the St Oswald’s Hub today and we have read some of ‘The Koala Who Could’ by Rachel Bright, a book all about facing up to change. How can reading change how you are feeling? What have you enjoyed reading recently? #pyjamarama #welovereading #readingforpleasure

Happy #Pyjamarama Day! There is no better way of relaxing than reading a good book. I would love to hear what you have been reading. It would be good to share some of your photos of what you are reading at home.

Miss Jones x

Mrs Swift and Matthew are snuggled up in the rocking chair, with a good book. This is their favourite place to share a story 🙂

Spiky bed head is a must, when in pjs

No caption needed for our lovely Mrs Gilroy! We hope you find everything you need in your non-fiction book! #pyjamarama #welovereading

It’s #Pajamarama day and Mrs Riding and Freya are enjoying story time together reading ‘The Beast of Buckingham Palace’ by David Walliams

What are you reading today?

Miss Madren has had a relaxing afternoon reading and joining in with #Pyjamarama. Who else is joining in?

Mrs Greer and mouse are enjoying a book about his friend Scouse Mouse. Happy pyjamarama day.

Lockdown has given me the time to read more here I am in my pjs on the sofa at home. We would love to hear what you are reading at home too! Share your photos on Twitter @StOswaldsPriLiv using the hashtags #pyjamarama and #welovereading

Miss Kirwan x

On #Pyjamarama day Mr Cummings’ dog Reggie is helping him sound out new words in his favourite book! What is your favourite book to read at the moment?

Happy #pyjamarama day. I always enjoy sitting in my chair and reading a good book! I hope you find some time to read today too. Mr Loughran

Happy #Pajamarama Day! Story time is our favourite – pjs and a snuggle on the couch with a good book. Cora and I are reading ‘Elephants Can’t Fly’. What book are you reading at the moment? Tag us in your #Pajamarama pictures on Twitter @StOswaldsPriLiv!

#WeLoveReading Mrs Black

Happy Pyjamarama Day everyone! We have loved spending the time reading extra books during the lockdown. Harry is racing through “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series – he thinks they are hilarious! What are you reading at the moment? Let us know if you are doing any of the special “pyjamarama” activities today – we would love to see them.

Mrs McBrien

Last night, some of your teachers (and Stanley and Bertie!) started the Pyjamarama celebrations early by sharing what we have been reading during our weekly catch up! We hope you have your pjs on!

Happy #Pyjamarama day! I don’t think I’ve owned a pair of pjs for many many years! But each day Keeva and I enjoy reading our favourite Disney books (usually ones with pictures!) we thought we’d challenge ourselves with Mary Poppins today! Tag us in your photos #readingforpleasure‬

Mr Wall

Happy #Pyjamarama day everyone from @MrMosaid. I don’t actually own any pyjamas so I had to borrow some, quite comfy actually! Soo many books on my girls lists for the day and I think they are excited for a pyjama day. Enjoy Everyone!

Happy #Pajamarama Day! Mrs Hammond is enjoying some relaxation time with a book 📚#WeLoveReading what’s your favourite story?

On #Pajamarama Day, Mrs Hall and Peter in 5AB are reading their chosen books to Hettie their dog 🐶 who likes to listen to you read? #WeLoveReading

Happy Pyjamarama Day. I know I’m not in my pjs but I’m in my comfiest clothes. I have been doing lots of reading while I have been at home and find it so relaxing. Please send us photos of you reading your favourite books x

Happy #Pyjamarama day! Mr Bradshaw’s dog Milo is reading about his favourite footballer in his pyjamas this morning. What is your favourite book at the moment? #readingforpleasure

On #Pajamarama Day, Miss Hughes has taken a picture of Isla, James and Bonnie enjoying reading ‘The Tiger Who Came To Tea’ – a classic children’s favourite! Share your favourite classics with us #WeLoveReading

Miss Owens and Scarlett are enjoying pyjamarama day.

Happy #Pyjamarama day! Cooper and I have been doing a bit of reading this morning! What book are you reading at the moment? I’d love to know! Why not send a picture of you reading in your pj’s in! Miss Duncan

Happy #Pyjamarama day Yr 2, Enjoy the fun activities and send us photos of you reading with your family and pets. I am reading Slime by David Walliams and can’t wait to tell you all about it when we get back to school.

Mrs Hindley

Happy #Pyjamarama Day! #WeLoveReading in our house! Here we are reading The Three Little Pigs which is Sonny’s favourite. What are you reading today? Don’t forget and tag us into your #Pyjamarama photos @StOswaldsPriLiv

Love from Miss Finnigan & Sonny xx

Happy #Pyjamarama Day everybody! Mrs Jones is relaxing with a good book! Hope you all are too!

#Pyjamarama day! We’ve been spending lots of time talking about our feelings, here are my daughters reading two great books that help us understand our feelings & emotions. Miss Mckenna