NSPCC – Online Safety Webinar for Parents

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all well.

Please see attachments for an online safety webinar sent by YPAS.

Download: Helpline for Settings & Families Flyer [PDF]
Download: O2 NSPCC Online Safety Booklet [PDF]

Details and booking form attached for Parents – NSPCC Online Safety Webinar

FREE 30min webinar from NSPCC and O2.

Please register your interest to attend a pre-recorded webinar by contacting parentworkshops@nspcc.org.uk

Kind regards,

Miss Gilmour

A Fantastic Resource for Everyone

Remember that you are never alone. Here’s a useful resource for everybody:

Speech, Language, Communication and SEND Resources

You can download FREE Speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families and schools here:

External Link: https://chatterpack.net/

Afterschool Clubs – Cancelled

Dear Parents,  We apologise for the short notice – all afterschool clubs are now cancelled, please collect your child at 3.15pm for usual door, thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh



COVID-19 Update (17/03/2020)

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we are living in very challenging circumstances, please expect changes to the normal running of school, maybe at short notice. We have staff who are unwell or self isolating and as anticipated, lots of absent children. To ensure that we can provide adults in front of classes we may have to put classes together or rearrange staff to take classes they do not normally cover. Some children may find these changes distressing but without these continuity measures we would not be able to remain open.

We are working hard to make sure children are informed in a child friendly way and that we keep as calm as possible.

Below is a message from Steve Reddy, Director of Children and Young People’s Services.

Dear children, young people, parents/carers and families,

Following my letter yesterday the government has now announced a number of additional measures.

 It is important that we all continue to follow the guidance set out by the Government and DfE and make the necessary changes.

 Whilst schools remain open some planned activities will inevitably be cancelled. Schools may well restrict all but essential visitors on to the site.

 We will be speaking to Public Health England to consider the implications for children and staff with significant health needs.

 Anyone who has high temperature/fever and/or new persistant cough will be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days along with anyone in their household.

We are very grateful for the continued support of all school staff, children, young people and families as we manage these difficult times.

It is important that we continue to work together and support one another.

Thank you for your understanding at this uncertain time.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


Corona 17-03

YEAR 1 Museum Trip – Cancelled letter


Dear parents/carers,

Unfortunately, due to the current climate, we have taken the decision to cancel year 1’s trip next week to the museum.

All monies paid will be refunded. Please call into the infant school office to receive your refund.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Miss D. Hay


YEAR 1 Trip Cancelled letter

Parent Evening Update

Dear parents and carers,

I am sure that you have all been following the government advice on how best to protect against coronavirus. Schools have daily briefings and the advice is still the same, we do not need to close.

Ensuring children and staff wash their hands throughout the day with soap and warm water is key to delaying the spread of the virus. We should all avoid touching our faces unless we have just washed our hands. Normal soap is absolutely fine.

The government has announced moving out of contain phase and into delay phase to try and contain the virus. They are asking anyone who shows certain symptoms to self-isolate for 7 days, regardless of whether they have travelled to affected areas. This means they want people to stay at home and avoid all but essential contact with others for 7 days from the point of displaying mild symptoms, to slow the spread of infection.

The symptoms are:

A high temperature (37.8 degrees and above)

A new, continuous cough

The government has provided additional guidance about when to self-isolate:

External Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-at-home-guidance-for-people-with-confirmed-or-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection

As an additional precaution, I have decided to postpone Parents/Carers afternoon next week. I appreciate that you may have made plans to be able to attend, but I am being cautious and trying to look out for the welfare of the whole community. There are children and adults who have underlying medical conditions who may be at increased risk with additional visitors to school.

To further reduce the available risks, large whole key stage gatherings, prayer assemblies will now be carried out in classes as will praise certificates. These social distancing measures, should help to reduce any potential risk.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused, once we have additional guidance and the risks are lowered I will rearrange Parents/Carers afternoon.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Parent Evening Update Letter [PDF]

COVID-19 Update (17/03/2020)

[Letter from Steve Reddy, Director of Children and Young People’s Services]

Dear children, young people, parents/carers and families,

We appreciate the considerable anxiety faced by the whole community at this moment. My team is working closely with Head Teachers to ensure they are provided with up-to-date guidance and support.

It is important that we all follow the guidance set out by the Government and DfE which no doubt will change over the coming days and weeks.

I thought it would be helpful if I provided the following reassurances, based upon the current position as of 16th March 2020.

  • All schools currently remain open. They will only close as a result of coronavirus case, if directed to by Public Health England.
  • There is no need to cancel school events or activities including domestic trips, unless the risk assessment undertaken by the school concludes this is necessary.
  • Schools will not be communicating to their school community ‘suspected ‘or ‘confirmed’ cases of coronavirus, unless directed to by Public Health England.
  • Schools are ensuring that children, young people, staff and visitors are washing their hands thoroughly and regularly throughout the day.
  • Schools are taking steps to clean and disinfect regularly touched objects and surfaces more often than usual, using regular cleaning products.
  • Children should be kept at home for 7 days if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, to avoid spreading infection to others. Otherwise they should attend as normal.

Guidance about staying at home is available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance

NHS guidance can be found here:

External Link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

Schools are spending time in lessons, as part of the curriculum, talking to children about coronavirus and supporting children who may be experiencing any anxiety.

We value the support of our schools, children, young people and families during these uncertain times. Liverpool has a strong tradition of pulling together, long may this continue.

Best wishes,

Steve Reddy
Children and Young People’s Services

Schools and families can find further guidance here:

External Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
External Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19
External Link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19/covid-19-travel-guidance-for-the-education-sector

Download: COVID-19 Update Letter [PDF]

COVID-19 Update (06/03/2020)

Dear Parents / Carers,

Re: Coronavirus

I have had several enquiries from concerned parents about the school’s response to the Coronavirus. From the information school has received, you should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus.

As Head Teacher I get a daily update from the government via the Department for Education. As part of this, we have been given resources to remind our children about general hygiene including hand washing and ‘Catch it, Bin it, Kill it’ strategies. We have talked to all our children about this and remind them about hygiene during the school day. We provide tissues in all classrooms and have plenty of soap and handwashing facilities.

As a school, we will continue to encourage our children to maintain their hygiene, as we have always done.

As Head Teacher I will continue to follow the comprehensive guidance from the Government and will keep you informed. The latest information and guidance for the public is available here and this is updated daily.

The current guidance is clear that schools are not to close unless Public Health England advises us to. Rest assured if there was Coronavirus in school the adults who work here would be asking the same questions about whether or not they should be in work. As a barometer, if the staff are still here then there is no risk to the children. There is no reason why your children should not continue to attend our school setting as normal. If this advice changes at any time I will let you know.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh
Head Teacher

Download: Coronavirus Letter [PDF]