Guess the St Oswald’s Baby!

GUESS THE ST OSWALD’S BABY! Here is a fun activity for everyone to take part in… Who do you think this member of staff is? Answers will be posted at the bottom of this post when we reveal them!








#1 – Mrs Hindley
#2 – Mr Bradshaw
#3 – Mrs Moscardini
#4 – Mrs Hay
#5 – Mrs Jones
#6 – Mr Cummings

Youth Connect 5 – 4th May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please see details below for the next Youth Connect 5 Programme for parents of children aged 8+ and how to book onto the virtual course.

The course will take place over five days starting on Monday 4th May – Friday 8th May 2020 7pm – 9pm.

Places are limited, so please only register if you are able to commit to all five days.

This will be a webinar event using Zoom. You will be sent a secure link to the session via email once you have confirmed that you are able to attend all 5 sessions.

The overall aim of the course is to promote resilience (resilient families, ways to cope and support):

  • Understanding children and young people’s mental health
  • Understanding wellbeing
  • Understanding why we feel the way we do (emotions)
  • Life skills problem-solving

Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, as parents/carers we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory. Parenting alone can present many challenges, but combining it with a global pandemic on our hands, family life may test our levels of resilience.

Kind regards,

Miss Gilmour

Anti-Bullying Alliance

Anti-Bullying Alliance – Restorative Thinking and Positive Relationships

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please see details below, sent by YPAS:

RP published this resource for families last week, it’s freely available for all families to access … four short sequential sessions, a very brief introduction to restorative and relational thinking:

Kind regards,

Miss Gilmour

Kitty’s Laundry Service

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all well. Please see details of Kitty’s laundry service below:

Please find below details of the different free laundry schemes we are rolling out this week.

Free service Laundry with collection and delivery for elderly and vulnerable residents who are shielding at home.

We particularly hope to reach those who normally use launderettes, normally have family members/ carers do their laundry for them, are struggling to manage jobs at home or who’s washing machine/ drier has broken down.

If people who could benefit from the service either call us on 0151 2608951 to arrange contactless collection and delivery times, home address and any washing specifications.

We are also happy to have other organisations pass us the details of people who are interested for us to call them directly, if permission is given to do so.

We are practicing heightened hygiene processes at Kitty’s with staff and the delivery team wearing adequate PPE and ensuring limited contact with laundry.

Free DIY washing and drying for anyone in financial hardship (Drop off service)

We have distributed some vouchers to the Foodbank also welcome referrals from any other local organisation/ Dan’s office etc

Free Service washes for any Key workers, (Drop off service, uniforms and normal laundry)

NSPCC – Online Safety Webinar for Parents

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you are all well.

Please see attachments for an online safety webinar sent by YPAS.

Download: Helpline for Settings & Families Flyer [PDF]
Download: O2 NSPCC Online Safety Booklet [PDF]

Details and booking form attached for Parents – NSPCC Online Safety Webinar

FREE 30min webinar from NSPCC and O2.

Please register your interest to attend a pre-recorded webinar by contacting

Kind regards,

Miss Gilmour

A Fantastic Resource for Everyone

Remember that you are never alone. Here’s a useful resource for everybody:

Speech, Language, Communication and SEND Resources

You can download FREE Speech and language, OT, and many other SEND resources for families and schools here:

External Link:

Afterschool Clubs – Cancelled

Dear Parents,  We apologise for the short notice – all afterschool clubs are now cancelled, please collect your child at 3.15pm for usual door, thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh



COVID-19 Update (17/03/2020)

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we are living in very challenging circumstances, please expect changes to the normal running of school, maybe at short notice. We have staff who are unwell or self isolating and as anticipated, lots of absent children. To ensure that we can provide adults in front of classes we may have to put classes together or rearrange staff to take classes they do not normally cover. Some children may find these changes distressing but without these continuity measures we would not be able to remain open.

We are working hard to make sure children are informed in a child friendly way and that we keep as calm as possible.

Below is a message from Steve Reddy, Director of Children and Young People’s Services.

Dear children, young people, parents/carers and families,

Following my letter yesterday the government has now announced a number of additional measures.

 It is important that we all continue to follow the guidance set out by the Government and DfE and make the necessary changes.

 Whilst schools remain open some planned activities will inevitably be cancelled. Schools may well restrict all but essential visitors on to the site.

 We will be speaking to Public Health England to consider the implications for children and staff with significant health needs.

 Anyone who has high temperature/fever and/or new persistant cough will be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days along with anyone in their household.

We are very grateful for the continued support of all school staff, children, young people and families as we manage these difficult times.

It is important that we continue to work together and support one another.

Thank you for your understanding at this uncertain time.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


Corona 17-03