Nursery Lent Letter

Dear Parents,

Today we have been talking to the children about Lent. In Nursery we are going to try and do lots of acts of kindness during the period of Lent and we wanted to share this with you so that you may be able to help us by doing some of these things at home and within the community.

Please do not feel obliged to do all of them and this is only a suggested list of things we could do. We are sure you will have many ideas of your own. We would love to see some photos or hear about some of the acts of kindness the children do during Lent, so please let us know by either sending a note in or dropping us an email or photo for us to share at carpet time.

We will post some of our acts of kindness at Nursery on our website and on our Twitter page for you to see at home.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson

Download: Nursery Lent Letter [PDF]

Social Media Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

Once again, I am asking that you have an awareness of your child’s social media. We are spending a significant amount of time in school dealing with incidents that have started on media platforms at home.

Our children have constant messages on how to keep themselves safe online, however the incidents we are seeing and hearing about are demonstrating that many of the children are too immature to know how to protect themselves and their reputations. The incidents range from inappropriate jokes, bad language, sexist or racist language to threats. These then come into school and have a negative effect on the education of the children.

Please make sure that your children do not have unsupervised access to social media, even if you know your child wouldn’t be involved and is not saying or doing anything themselves they are see and reading other children’s poor choices.

I hope that moving forward we can spend more time in school on positive things rather than the constant barrage of incidents started at home and then continued in school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Social Media Letter [PDF]

Class 1AJ Assembly Letter

Dear Parents,


Year 1 would like to invite the parents of Class 1AJ to their assembly in the hall on Friday 20th March at 2:40pm.  Hall doors will be open at 2:30 pm and tea/coffee will be available before the start.

Please use front entrance gate opposite Tesco.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs A Jones

Download: Class 1AJ Assembly Letter [PDF]

SYNOD 2020 Assembly

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Monday 9th March 2020, there will be a SYNOD 2020 assembly in both infant and junior halls at 9:15am. The purpose of the assembly is to share the 4th theme, “Building Community and Nurturing Belonging” and to take your feedback regarding this in a discussion session afterwards.

If you would like to attend, please complete the reply slip attached below and return it to school by Friday 6th March at the latest.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs D Hay
Deputy Headteacher

Download: SYNOD Assembly Letter [PDF]

World Book Day Themed Lunch Menu

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March

On Thursday 5th March children will be having a World Book Day lunch (please see menu on the attachment below).

If your child is usually on packed lunch but you would like him/her to have a school dinner, please complete the form on the attachment below and return it before Monday 2nd March so that the Cook can order the required amount for that day.

If your child is already on school dinners, you do not have to fill in the attached form.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: World Book Day Themed Lunch Letter [PDF]

Infant Merit Assembly

Star of the Week

AMG – Scarlet
AMP – Tilly
RF – Roman
RJ – Robyn
RC – Tyler
1HH – Issy
1AJ – Lenny
1MD – Blake
2RD – Aaron
2LM – Chloe
2HI – Heidi

Good Behaviour

AMG – Lewis
AMP – Ellie
RF – Heidi
RJ – Daisy
RC – Logan
1HH – Oliver
1AJ – Mercy
1MD – Elle-Jae
2RD – Poppy
2LM – Keira
2HI – Dylan

Superstar Writer

RC –
RF –
RJ –
1HH – Summer
1AJ – Rocco
1MD – Eva
2RD – Nicole
2LM – Connor
2HI –


1MD – Bella
1HH – Percie
Nursery – Bertie
RF – Elsie

Nursery Language Box Therapy

Dear Nursery Parents,

We are fortunate to be working with Laura from Language box therapy for the next few weeks.  She is working with the children and staff in nursery providing training, hints and tips to promote speech and language development for our children.  She has kindly offered to spend some time providing hints and tips for at home for any parents and families who would like some ideas on promoting language at home and overcoming any speech difficulties children may have.

If you would like to talk to Laura she will be holding a drop in on Tuesday 3rd March from 9-9:30.  Please complete the slip below and pass it in to nursery if you would like to attend this session.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson
Nursery Teachers

Download: Nursery Language Box Therapy [PDF]

World Book Day Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

World Book Day on Thursday 5th March

This year we will not be dressing up as a book character for World Book Day on 5th March 2020.

We are mindful of how stressful and costly it is to buy and make costumes for your families, which takes away from the purpose of the day to encourage reading for pleasure.

Instead, we would like the children to create a book character out of a potato, which will be a relatively cheap alternative. The children who have seen the examples love the idea and are already planning the character they wish to make.

There are numerous examples on Pinterest.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Walsh

Download: World Book Day Letter [PDF]

Infants Afterschool Club Letter

Dear parents and carers,

Our extra-curricular timetable of after school activities for Spring 2 starts on Monday 2nd March 2020. Attached to this letter is a full list of activities on offer and the year group who can access each activity.

Please see attachment:

Download: Infants Afterschool Club Letter [PDF]