Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Charles               3NM Ethel               3SF Marty

4EC Jessica                4LD Esay                4LH Ebony

5AB Eliis                    5RD Sienna             5SG Alfie

6LD Max                    6JW   Michael         6SD Sam



Star Award:

3HH Sadie                 3NM George            3SF Phoenix

4EC Luca J                  4LD Amber              4LH Poppy

5AB Archie                 5RD Ethan              5SG Angeleen

6LD Neve                   6JW Jamie               6SD ALL 6SD


Writer Award:

3HH Jeorgie              3NM Mason            3SF Francis

4EC Xiahan                4LD Scarlett             4LH Annie L

5AB Ahmed               5RD Evan                5SG Chloe

6LD Lucian                 6JW Alex                 6SD Gabrielle



Congratulations and well done to our Head boy and Head Girl:  Alex D and Eva W  and

Deputy Head Boy and Head Girl:  Jenson F and Nicole S

Wednesday Word – 4th October

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 4th October [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

Parish Newsletter – 24th September

Please find below the Parish Newsletter for 24th September.

Download: Parish Newsletter 24.09.23 [PDF]

Thank you.

Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Eva             3NM Abdulrahman        3SF Joao

4EC Niamh         4LD Lillia                       4LH Xavier

5AB Eva              5RD James                  5SG James P

6LD Mia              6JW Nancy                   6SD Gabrielle



Star Award:

3HH Isabella Rose        3NM Jack C            3SF Jacob

4EC Daisy                     4LD Jack H             4LH Luca

5AB Elle-Jae                  RD Pearl                5SG Izzy

6LD Ella                         6JW Reuben          6SD Bobby


Writer Award:

3HH Lewis                     3NM Kenshin          3SF

4EC Thomas                  4LD Lexie-Lee         4LH Scarlett

5AB Roman                   5RD Isla                   5SG Amarildo

6LD Eva W                     6JW Layla                6SD Ava


This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Roscoe



Head Teacher Award given to Amelia Alpalko for her European Gold medal in Jiu Jitsu

Junior Weekly Awards

Star Award:

3HH Jenson      3NM Charlie         3SF Savannah

4EC Holly          4LD Al                 4LH Giuliana

5AB Anna         5RD Giovanni      5SG Caisey

6LD Jack          6JW Charlene      6SD Elsie



Behaviour Award:

3HH Vincy            3NM Alexandria        3SF Francis

4EC Lucca           4LD Mia                    4LH Amelia

5AB George       5RD Mercy                5SG Isla

6LD Sophia         6JW Ava                  6SD Lucas


Writer Award:

3HH Daisy             3NM Cynthia          3SF William

4EC George          4LD Max                 4LH Olivia

5AB Amber           5RD Lucy                5SG Summer

6LD Chloe             6JW Sam                6SD Kayla



This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Archer




Wednesday Word – 13th September

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – 13th September [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust

Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Cara         3NM Lorena           3SF Emily

4EC Shree        4LD Sarah             4LH Phoebe

5AB Penny       5RD Amelia A         5SG Abanav

6LD Shika          6JW Diah              6SD Jensen



Star Award:

3HH Joseph         3NM Ruby         3SF Rocco

4EC Oscar            4LD Freddie       4LH Alexander

5AB Varun           5RD Bobby H      5SG Nancy

6LD Jay                6JW Jamie          6SD Marissa


Writer Award:

3HH Benjamin   3NM Anna              3SF Maya

4EC Jude            4LD Grace           4LH Maria

5AB Michael      5RD Amy               5SG Charlotte

6LD Betsy         6JW Alex D          6SD Luna



This weeks Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard



Summer 2 Newsletter

Please find below the Summer 2 Newsletter.

Download: Summer 2 Newsletter 2023 [PDF]

Thank you.

Wednesday Word – Summer Holiday Special

Please find below the latest Wednesday Word.

Download: Wednesday Word – Summer Holiday Special [PDF]

Blessings and best wishes,

The Wednesday Word Trust